UnF*ck Your Money

Financial Fulfillment with Ali and Kena

Nadine Zumot

For today's episode, I invited Ali Marsh and Kena Siu, recent graduates from my 6- month program Create Fulfilling Abundance.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Money Healing and Self Leadership
  • The connection between our emotions, personal histories, and our financial success.
  • Uncovering our money patterns and how our nervous system plays a crucial role in our financial behaviors and limiting money beliefs. 
  • How family patterns can shape our mindset towards money.
  • How using Archetypes and the Bucket System are both useful tools to heal Scarcity Wounds. Nervous System's Role in Financial Behavior
  • Exploring Abundance and Self-Compassion in Manifestation
  • Manifesting Business Growth and Self-Care
  • The ripple effect of authenticity and the importance of self-care.

This episode is packed with tools and insights to help you reframe your dynamics with money, enable healing, and lead you towards a healthier, more fulfilling financial life. 

So,  tune in, transform, and let's create fulfilling abundance!

Join CFA: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa


Connect with Kena Siu:
IG: kenasiu.wellbeingproject
FB Facebook.com/kenasiu

Connect with Ali Marsh:

Explore my 3 month Wealth Program MOMENTUM ⭐️ HERE ⭐️

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~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello everyone. Welcome back to the Money Healing Podcast. I'm your host, nadine Zomot, and with me today I have two wonderful, wonderful women, ali and Kenna. We are here to have a really laid back, honest money conversation. Kenna and Ali are graduates of Korean Fulfilling Abundance, which is my six month program on money healing, self leadership and, you know, becoming fulfillingly abundant, right Like the title suggests. So welcome, kenna and Ali. I'm so freaking excited to have you both. If you could just start by introducing yourselves, tell people who you are and, yeah, let's start with Ali. I'm Ali.

Speaker 3:

I live in Colorado. This is actually my dream home, and I have two buddies, mountain Dogs, who are my favorite things in the world, and I'm working on getting a business off the ground right now, which is very exciting.

Speaker 2:

I am so excited for your business because it's going to I mean we can get into that later, but I wish I was a teen and was led by you and the amazing business that you have lined up for you know, for your community. So that's freaking awesome. Kenna, introduce yourself. Well, I'm Kenna.

Speaker 1:

I'm from Mexico and I live in Montreal in Canada and I but I have my own business I call it business projects and also I work as a freelancer, as a registration manager, which is great because I still have the opportunity to travel around the world.

Speaker 2:

Yay, two awesome empowered women on this podcast. Fuck yeah, everyone. So where were you prior to CFA? What kept you up at night? What made you, you know, look at a self healing journey, or what made you even think about healing, or what indicated that there's something that required healing?

Speaker 3:

For me in the immediate. I was working in a place where things were extremely toxic and I was feeling like the itch to get out. And by itch I mean I was just at a place where I thought, if I can't get out of here, I am not going to be able to like get up in the morning to function, because things are so bad right now. But because my money wounds were so deep, I could not fathom leaving a place, no matter how bad it was, without having a regular income coming in to pay my mortgage, to make sure my dogs had food, to make sure that I could just live. So it was one of those things where, every time I felt like I have to get out, something has to be done. I can't continue to do this. I thought but wait, I can't leave because I've got to be able to function.

Speaker 3:

And even though I had savings, I just felt so frozen in fear and so stuck deeply in that money wound that I was like there's no possible way for me to consider even getting out of this. And that's when I realized like, okay, I have to do something about this thing that I have with money. I didn't even know what the thing was. I couldn't even start to think about it, but I started listening to podcasts about inner child healing and about money, and somehow the two married with you in Gloria, and I'm just so glad that I found you, because the rest is history.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm so glad that you're in my life.

Speaker 1:

You're amazing.

Speaker 2:

You're just an amazing ray of light. So how would you describe a money wound I mean from you know I get stuck sometimes in this like jargon and especially that there are so many definitions of money wounds out there. But how would you define it, allie?

Speaker 3:

For me, it was the thing that I knew was keeping me in an arrested state of development and progress. So I would say it was the thing that was halting my further progress in life, based on my view of my finances and you know, the capitalistic thing that continues to keep the world running, wow.

Speaker 2:

I love that description. So it's the thing that kind of arrested your development, arrested your growth, and not just like your growth because we think about it from a survival perspective of like I'm not growing, but from a bigger perspective, looking at your growth from how you're impacting your community, the collective. How you're impacting you know, because when we grow, our dreams grow, the way that we want to serve is also going to grow Right. So by staying small because of money, our potential is also going to be stunted.

Speaker 3:

And that was exactly. I mean, you put it perfectly into words. That is exactly what I have been struggling with for the last couple of years feeling like I have more to give, there's more I want to put out there in the world, but I felt like I couldn't on a personal level, because this thing was holding me back. If I can't take this leap into entrepreneurship and being able to share and actually that money wound was something that needed to be healed before I could progress into this ability to advance and to progress and to share- yeah, I really respect that, because a lot of people are out there leading from their money wounds.

Speaker 2:

They price themselves, they go on sales calls, they sell their market from a place of money wounding and it's so obvious to me, just because that's what I do for like that's my life's work. But when we lead from a money wound, we're just perpetuating more wounding. Right, so we're not like breaking the pattern, because our money wounds are not necessarily our fault. Like I say this without wanting to shame or blame, because, as we know, money wounds span life, like lifetimes before us, generations even. Right, so, as healers that we want to create an impact, we need to also become patent breakers first. So we stop perpetuating the pain, because money, can you know it can bring up a lot of pain. Right, like we know that money is neutral but it is very linked to our survival, security, worthiness and all that stuff. So when we lead from that wounding, we're not really leading from full potential. The other thing I want to point out here is that we're not kind, we're not like saying, oh my God, you got to take the leap, absolutely not. We are very, very level headed, mature women here on this episode and we all agree that we can't just blindly take a leap Right when we are moving from being employed to entrepreneurship. We need to do it in a way that is good for our nervous system, in a way that ensures that our practical day to day life expenses are being met.

Speaker 2:

So when I left my nine to five, it was right in the middle of the pandemic. It was very scary, but I was so clear on what my expenses are that I the last thing I wanted was to appear hungry on a sales call, like I did not want my well-being to rely on the person or the other person on the other end of the sales call, right, like whether they say yes or no or whatever. So I pretty much just saved for a six month worth of expenses, right, and luckily I didn't need it. My business has been full ever since, and I just want to emphasize the fact that there are a lot of coaches out there that just encourage people to just jump and you know the universe will catch you, yes, and you need to also make sure that you're not operating from a place of survival. So please only take the leap when you feel ready and don't do things that are, you know, doing things that are scary are sometimes good for us because growth is right outside our comfort zone, but I'm talking about like reckless, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

And that's the beautiful thing that CFA has given me is A I didn't want to proceed, knowing that I had those wounds and not wanting to perpetuate that, especially working with children. But B then, from my own perspective, feeling like, rather than leaping into a lagoon, swimming sort of it, and trying to find my way onto land, cfa has given me these beautiful large reserve stepping stones where now, not only do I have places where I can land safely, but I have places where I can rest, because you've given us the nervous system tools so that I can actually sit down on one of those rocks and take a look around me and feel the sun on my skin and not feel the pressure to have to keep going before I was ready.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm so, so glad for that, allie, thank you for sharing that. Thank you for helping me with that. Absolutely, kena. So the one thing I love, love, love and I don't want anyone to steal this, because it's totally your word, but Kena refers to her business as a blissness. I mean, come on, guys, this is the best thing ever.

Speaker 2:

I mean you need to copyright that right, like it's amazing. So tell us about you, kena. Tell us about where you were before CFA and what made you realize that you might have a money wound, and what do money wounds look like for you, or what did they look like for you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, before CFA, well, I knew I had a wound just by because of well time before. Well, the last four years for me have been quite a journey after my father's transition, and then I start questioning my life on that whole day. But then things I could separate and then divorce. I actually noticed that one of the causes of operating a war is well, not causes, but how we live together actually was a scarcity. So I tried to really figure out like where is this scarcity mindset is coming from me? Because I knew, like in my family, at least from my parents, we lived okay until at least I was 20 years or something, until I was 20 years old. So I was like where is this coming from?

Speaker 1:

So it's like digging in and more like asking questions to my mom, and so then she started saying like, well, comes from both sides of your family, from your grandparents. And one of the things when we did the bio about money, yeah, that was really like you know, a lot of breakthroughs came there and one of the things that I realized, like my grandfather coming from China to Mexico so just imagining that journey, I was like, oh my God right. So a lot of pieces started like getting like together to see, okay, this is coming from them. Actually it's not even directed from my parents and that was like like liberation, really like knowing that, okay, like you know I don't know if there's something like wrong with me can really come from family patterns, that people that we didn't even like meet, because I didn't meet at least my grandparents. So that was really important to know.

Speaker 2:

I always say this like there's always this layer of shame when we start doing the money work. There's always this layer of shame. And what you just reflected to us was so powerful because you, looking at the bigger picture of your money story, you know putting the pieces of the puzzle together. You had this holistic view of like, oh my God, it's not from me, I'm not broken, and that liberation that you felt because of that layer of shame, but also this compassion. You know you weren't like they didn't teach me, it was more like look at what they went through. No wonder. So, having that layer of compassion and layer of respect, even of they did all of that for me to be here. They did all of that for me to share my gifts in my blissness. What a powerful.

Speaker 1:

you know what a powerful thing, one of these also that I want to mention is like for me, like the pandemic has been a blessing and one of the things that I actually lived through it is, I mean, I'm really happy to hear what Ali just said, that she's preparing actually, you know, like working in the pandas and the money ones in advance before doing your business.

Speaker 1:

Because for me was the opposite case, like I wasn't the scarcity mindset, I wasn't survival mode, and that really affected my creativity and in a way of getting out there, because, as you said, that it was really at one point like, oh, like I want clients like that craving and we all have that from there, yeah, so one of the things that I lived during the pandemic when I was having the less money income, I like I was able to feel abundance from them, from with them is when I understand that, you know, when you put these things into perspective, it was, you know, that the people around me, the that I was just, you know, here in my apartment on my own, I never felt like more abundance and happy in my life, and so it's like when I get like to say, okay, yeah, it's not about the material things and it's really how I feel with them, because I also felt a lot of freedom and we were not even allowed to be outside, you know.

Speaker 1:

And, yes, putting all those things together and then noticing like, okay, I feel abundant, but I still have this scarcity mindset. So that's one of the things I said. I know there's something in there that's still like, you know, there's still work to do, like I love working on myself and being more yeah, of course, yeah, we all do so for me like, yeah, this programming has been like more and more digging and it's just been like fantastic.

Speaker 2:

Because we don't stop at the breakthrough. You know, the whole thing is that the breakthrough is actually the starting point and a lot of programs stop at the breakthrough. You're like yay. And then like a month later on you're like, oh, now what Right For us. Like I always say, the breakthrough is actually the diving board. Right, like we walk and we walk and we find the breakthrough. Like, oh shit, that's where it is. And then that's where we go deeper. Right, like that's the whole way that I work. Is that no, no, breakthroughs are just great, they're great mindset stuff, but then we go deeper into the nervous system and I mean money archetypes themselves. Tell us about how you know, ali, do you use the money archetypes or archetypes in general in your day to day life? Because we cover a lot about the money archetypes, especially starting in phase one of CFA.

Speaker 3:

And I was about to say with regard to what you just were talking about, that's one of the best parts. I think one of the actually the best part of CFA is the fact that you really start at that breakthrough point. You walk us up to that point where you're like okay, let's investigate this, I will be here with you and we're going to jump in here so that you have that breakthrough at the beginning of the program and then you have the rest of the entire program to walk you through that breakthrough, so that you don't feel like you've just had this aha moment where you're like, okay, I'm going to start this, and then people are like well, congratulations, see you later. So that's one of the best parts, or the best part of CFA. And with regard to the archetypes it's funny that you mentioned that, because I just was thinking about that yesterday, as I was it starts to be this, not insidious, but just this little nugget, this little pearl that you end up following in your day to day life for probably weekly basis. You start to realize last night I was looking at some things that I was like gosh in doing some of this investigation with somatic healing.

Speaker 3:

I was thinking, okay, well, this could be really helpful because sometimes, when I'm sitting outside, I don't have any back support. So what if I got this silly little chair that I could sit outside on? Do I really want to spend money on that? Before my tyrant would have been like oh no, you do not need anything to sit outside, please. You've got a mat, you've got to blank it, you can sit. What is? Why would you possibly buy that? What good could that do?

Speaker 3:

And then, all of a sudden, my magician popped up and she was like please, this is going to be allowing her to sit outside. She's going to be comfortable, she's going to be more relaxed if she's outside than if she's inside. Why would I not want this? And, more importantly, I know that I've got money in my bucket for that, because you've helped me set up my bucket system, which we can get into later because that's one of the most surprising things for me. So, just realizing that I had that money and that, my magician stepped in and said hey, yeah, absolutely, you should get something like that. You will use that and that will make your life better.

Speaker 2:

So I do have episodes in the past where we talk a lot about money archetypes. So if you're listening and you're like what the hell is that? Go back and listen to the Money Architect episode, because it's one of the tools that I teach in CFA to help us with leading ourselves, to help us with identifying what our subconscious beliefs and behaviors are with money and how to. It's not enough to know, but also how to lead yourself and heal yourself through these. So I love this example, ali, because you and I have a very similar tyrant. Our money stuff are very similar. I would say most of the people that come through my Zoom doors they have more of a full archetype, which is like the overspending, overindulging in a way that is misaligned. But you and I, ali, we're kind of like money quarters where our sense of security?

Speaker 3:

comes from money.

Speaker 2:

So if we spend that money, if that money goes away, there goes our security, there goes our happiness, there goes our well-being, and I think that's a universal thing. But for us it kind of looks like holding in the money and for other people it can look like buying things with that money to procure or like to simulate that sense of security. That needs to come from within, really. But if it hasn't been modelled for us in childhood, how can we conjure it up all of a sudden out of the blue as an adult? Right, it needs to be modeled for us first. So obviously we are gonna rely on external things for that sense of security.

Speaker 2:

And one of the big things that we rely on as a society for status, for success, for worth, for belonging, is money, right, and that means that sometimes our day-to-day life can suffer. You know Ali needs to sit outside with a chair that supports her back, because when you sit outside with a chair that supports your back and you're no longer worrying about what you know your back is hurting or whatever, that's when you're no longer like in discomfort, you're comfortable, and all of a sudden all these ideas come down, all these like amazing downloads about your own business will come to you. All these things about how you're gonna elevate yourself and grow and elevate others in return will come to you, right? So we look at these things as, like this small thing, it's a chair. It's not. It's so much bigger. Exactly, it's bigger than that. It's. Look at the bigger picture, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah where are you gonna go to nurture yourself? Because, even though a chair doesn't seem like it's possible or capable of nurturing you for me, when I'm outside, when I get me comfortable soaking in some vitamin D and listening to the birds and watching my boys play, that's where my mind is like oh, let me give you some good shit to chew on.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly, exactly. That's where all the good shit comes down. Kenna, you're laughing. How does that resonate with you? And tell us about your whole experience with archetypes and the buckets. We'll get into the buckets in a second, but also with what Ali just reflected the little things that actually add up to a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I'm a big fan of self-care and self-love, so yeah, so it's very important, as you said, if she's taking care of her body and nurturing herself just by having that pleasure of having a chair where he can lean in and then be nice, feeling comfortable in nature. So yeah, I think it's all those little details that we can actually say, yeah, I'm doing it because it feels good for me, it's good for my well-being, it's where I go. But then, as you said, then we have these little voices which are basically the archetypes that are sometimes like yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I really found it very interesting how you call it, that it's actually protectors, and then understanding how sometimes it's the voice of the tyrant or sometimes it's the voice of the victim, and understanding these ones how they come from according to my beliefs or my perceptions, that it really helped to understand. Okay, it's coming from there, and then sometimes they were like three of the archetypes all together, so it was like, oh my God, so that was a lot of fun to understand and then to bring up the magician and the warrior and into place to get back into alignment, yeah, this stuff is real.

Speaker 2:

I use archetypes in every aspect of my life. It did begin with money and I was sharing about this today on Instagram, about how I misunderstood self-leadership. Coming from a very patriarchal culture, coming from the Middle East, I always thought like the leader needs to be strong and not feel anything and always be in control. But then, when I started learning more and more about Amani archetypes and all that stuff, I realized that leadership self-leadership like from an authentic place is leading from that magician and it means taking care of all the younger parts, taking care of these protector parts so that they no longer need to protect, because ultimately, these protector parts are just trying to keep you safe. It's there in your nervous system. Your nervous system's main role is to not let you die. So it all, just like it just draws from these old archives, from our memories, from our beliefs that are not necessarily even ours. Like you said, kenna, there might be from our ancestors. So once we relieve and unburden these protector parts from that place of self-leadership, that's when we have more harmony and coherence within us. That's when we can lead and ultimately, that's what it is about. Even with, like, our finances. It's not about like being good with money, having this budget and like, yeah, I'm gonna do that. Being good with money is actually about self-leadership. It's about dealing with your finances from that place of authentic leadership.

Speaker 2:

Of this is I'm clear on what my values are. I'm clear on what my purpose is. I'm clear on the direction of my life. I'm also clear that I'm supported and I don't have to do everything on my own. But I do have this plan in place. I do have this solid structure because a lot of people, yeah, manifestation we're all manifesting all day long and it's not that difficult when you're doing the work to all of a sudden have this influx of money. But where does it go when you need to have these solid structures? Which brings us into the conversation of the bucket system, right? So the bucket system, it's not a budget, it's a structure to hold in your abundance pretty much. And I feel like Kenna, you kind of you were like I kind of been doing something similar to that. Ali, you were so opposed to them in the beginning, yeah, so, yeah, how have they changed your?

Speaker 1:

finances. Well, me, I was doing them before, so what I did is just change some of the names to more, like you know, with words that are more exactly to match the values. That's what I did. I mean, at this point I'm not into like receiving enough funds to really be able to put money in the buckets as I wish to, but I like how, having that flexibility, really like to say, okay, like I'm going to have one or I have enough money. Then, when I put certain amount there, certain amount here, the bucket, the bucket, bucket.

Speaker 1:

I love that idea. I do love that idea, yeah, yeah. And then also like already, like having a bucket, like to start putting money there to start paying back my debt.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, the idea of the bucket bucket actually came from one of my very good friends, lauren, so she's very Aussie and she's like the bucket, but she put in the bucket bucket with a little accent. I'm like I'm stealing that loss. I love the bucket bucket, right, and it's like, oh, just get it from the bucket bucket. So good, I love it. Yeah, I mean having flexibility with money, or. I think what really stops people in their tracks when it comes to doing the money work is like believing that they're just going to be disciplined and restricted until the day they die. Right, like to buy a house, you need to stop doing this and this and this. But in actuality, it's not about the restriction or the discipline. It's about being organized. It's about being clear. Right, like, I'm currently saving for a house and a car and I'm going on a holiday once a month and and, and you can do all these things.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing that I really want to like scream is that you don't have to punish yourself just because you have debt. Right, so many people restrict their whole freaking lives just so that they get out of debt. Yes, we don't want to pay interest. Yes, it's debilitating and yes, there are ways around it. There are ways for you to pay debt and and live your freaking life, because all we have is today I'm not being morbid, but it's true we can't punish ourselves for debt.

Speaker 2:

The whole freaking system is rigged so that we all get into debt. You want to buy a house, you want to buy a car, you want to buy a program, you want to whatever. I mean credit cards in America. You open a bank account and all of every week, you get bombarded by credit card offers. It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. I've lived all over the freaking world and this is the only place that does that. And to be in debt is not shameful. To be in debt is simply you had to borrow money and, yes, you pay a little bit of a premium for the advantage of having that, and then you pay it off and you don't have to punish yourself for it. So I'm going to get down from my soapbox right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one point I remember I was like, oh I, and actually I can say that I'm, yeah, like very proud and and and at one point, like lucky, if I can say, because this is the first time in my life that I have that. I have never had that. And the fact that I do have it now and it's because I invested in myself, yes, that's what I said, like, yeah, it's not that I wasted it, you know, in buying whatever or no, I invested in myself, in programs, in trainings, you know. So I know it's worth it, yeah, and eventually I'll be able to pay back. But, yeah, I mean, and one of the big achievements that I that I got with with CFA was the fact that I finally put it in my list. Yes, because I, I was, it was hidden, like I, I didn't know there was like that chain with it.

Speaker 2:

I, I, yes, yeah, one of the things that I mean. We can go on Google and find how we can pay off debt. There's so many methods the snowball method, whatever avalanche method but what really really matters is not to go back into debt. Right, we pay it off. I have most of my clients come to me saying I paid $30,000 worth of debt and now I'm back in debt with the help, you know, and it's because we haven't healed that shame, that underlying shame, and also we haven't healed like paying debt is a bandaid approach.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we want to pay that, but what caused that debt? You know, if we pay it off, we're not seeing the actual brute cause of the debt. That's why a lot of people pay it off and go back into it, even when they double their income. It's because the there are underlying reasons that manifested in debt, manifested in overspending. And that's where CFA will take you to see what is the wounding that created that misaligned spending right and also to help you heal that debt shame, because that's very important. That is the most important thing right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was because I, in a way, I was restricted myself to do some things because of that, and one of the things was like, at one point I remember during the program once that I was sharing I remember I start crying because I was like I refused to do that the things that I love doing because I don't have money at this time, like I'm going to figure out how to manage it, but I'm going to keep living and then still, you know, still, even though I'm still in here, but eventually it will flow, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and having that, yeah, that work, doing and working more with the nervous system for me helped me a lot. Yeah like truly yeah.

Speaker 2:

Working with the nervous system especially. Ali mentioned something about like you're a mental health professional right, but how did like understanding your nervous system from this perspective that you know how we teach in CFA and from looking at your finances from this healing slash, nervous system slash, regulation perspective? How give us your take on that as someone who works in that field?

Speaker 3:

You know it's funny because, coming from that mental health perspective, you know you're constantly giving other people in yourself these tools, you know these coping skills, as we like to call them. You know you can take a walk, you can, you know, go take a long shower. You can give yourself time to read or, you know, do any jump on the trampoline if you're a kid. But the truth of the matter is that that is something that you're doing after the fact, and the nervous system healing, in my mind, is something that you're doing proactively to help keep your system more regulated so that you're less likely to get to a point where you're having those big blowout moments where it's like, okay, now I have to take time away from what I was supposed to be doing, but also gives you the tools that, once you're in those places where you're thinking, okay, I think I'm a little activated, I'm kind of anxious, or I'm really upset, or I'm feeling a certain way to use those tools to say, oh, okay, I know exactly what I can do now, whether it's taking a very slow, intentional walk, or whether it's doing some boo breathing which is my absolute favorite thing that I learned from the nervous system perspective or, you know getting activated, knowing the polyvagal ladder, knowing that from freeze I have to go up to fight and then I have to do well, I have to do a hit workout.

Speaker 3:

But that's one of my chosen things. I do a hit workout or I go out and I do something to dispel or disperse some energy. So I think that's one of the most beautiful things too about the program is that it brings in the science during that heel phase. That heel phase is so important for me to help learn some of those tools so that I can pass those along to the kids that I'm working with too. Just such simple little things. You don't need anything to have nervous system regulation. It's just yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and core regulation also helps you know being in community and being around people that make you feel safe. It's an imperative for human beings, right, but also having that awareness that your financial behaviors are also a nervous system response oh yes, oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And to go back to the bucket system, I was on the other side. I mean, as you mentioned, I was the one who was like, oh no, this is going to make things so much worse for me Because I thought the long messages and, like Nadine did it.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, and I was.

Speaker 3:

I was resistant to it, but I was also trying to ask more questions and be proactive with myself, thinking I already checked my bank accounts.

Speaker 3:

What I think is probably too often, and what I know now is too often. But what that gave me meaning the bucket system is an ability to go in there and manage it, while it meant feeling abundance within those systems, rather than too much regulation, rather than being stifled, rather than going through that scarcity that I had been going through my entire life, and feeling like I've just got one single number that indicates my worth, whether it's my independence or whether it's my ability to pay for this next thing. And now that I have the bucket system, I'm able to look at so many different things. And for the first time in my life, not only do I have emergency savings in the same two places, because you're like, no, do, what works for your nervous system so it works for my nervous system is having immediate savings within my bank and then more savings within a high interest savings account, because that's what helps my nervous system feel like you know what kiddo you're taking care of an emergency fund, for my emergency fund Exactly.

Speaker 3:

But then also, for the first time in my life, actually having a fund just for fun. Just for fun, because I never had that before. It was always. I'm going to have to work overtime, no matter how much I had in savings it was. Oh, I'm going to have to make that money and it's going to have to come from this place of scarcity where I'm scrambling and running and trying to catch up to it in order to earn my fund, in order to earn my break in my vacation. And now I actually have that built in. I not only have that buffer, but I have that abundance that says we're just waiting for you, sweetheart, we've got you. There's this soft, sweet place, and I have never had that before and I love knowing that, because now, when I want to take a vacation, it's like take your vacation, you don't even need permission, you don't need to work for it, it's already here for you. Take your vacation.

Speaker 2:

Michael, yes, fuck, yeah, ally, something that like what you just said and what cannot just added earlier. Ultimately, it's not about the freaking money, right? All of these freaking programs that wrote like revolve our whole life around financial our finances. This is our life is not about money. We don't even take it with us when we leave. Money is a facilitator. It's a facilitator of, of enjoyment, a facilitator of, you know, creating a legacy for, for the people that come after us, whether it's our children, our community. It is the facilitator that will help us buy that house that we want. It's a facilitator to buy the car, go on holiday, expand our impact on the world. Right? It's not about the money. Money is a mate. It's your buddy that comes along the ride and has this power of I don't want to say it has a power, but it has the ability to facilitate life. Only because it's 2023, because everything costs money, right, and I want to say that a lot of other programs.

Speaker 2:

So I always say that there's one side of the pendulum where there's like really finance oriented programs, the other side of the pendulum, which is the whole, like new age, manifestation, focus programs, and one side of the pendulum says keep saving, and the other side of the pendulum says keep spending because you can manifest more. And I, from my background in accounting and also as a very spiritual person and channel, I like to combine both, plus adding a dash of science. Right, like it's perfect, because very spiritual slash. Being an accountant for 10 years before going into my business and also being highly into biology as person, as somebody who studied nutrition and food science at uni, this is like a perfect mix of all the things that I'm into, you know, bringing in the nervous system stuff, bringing in the holistic stuff and also like the more, like spiritual stuff, and bringing in the finance, nitty gritty, nuts and bolt stuff, which is what we need.

Speaker 2:

We need a balance of all of these things because we can manifest right, but where are we going to put our? We need a structure that is flexible enough. Right, we can spend money, but we also need a structure that will ensure that we have the savings, because we need savings right. We need to have that emergency fund. We need to have all these things. What's your relationship like with abundance now, kenna, because you're not new to all of this and I'm really curious to see how your perspective on abundance and scarcity has changed.

Speaker 1:

That's a very good question.

Speaker 1:

I guess you really come to the name of your program, that is, fulfilling abundance. Yes, I was feeling abundant, but it comes now, this fulfillment, because again, I still don't have the money, at least the one I desire, yet, you know. But I feel good just the fact that I got to know myself better, I got to then understand. Then again, my scarcity mindset was really, really, how do you say, engraving in me. Yeah, so then being able to understand that part and to accept it and to actually heal it and say, okay, it doesn't come from me, it is now like it's that fulfillment, abundance really of I'm at peace, like I feel more at peace, like I'm, so you're at peace with money and I know money for me it plays a big role in my life, because then I was always thinking like, okay, I was basing my actions really on how much money I was having, and now it's more like, okay, I want to do this. Okay, but it's more like, do I have, do I want to invest my energy?

Speaker 1:

and my time in there and then it comes down yes, exactly, Exactly. So that has been like a big shift. I mean that's really the fulfillment, because it's like do. I really want to put my energy there.

Speaker 2:

It comes from there. That's so good. Yeah, the name of the program is very intentional, because abundance is abundance and sometimes abundance will wreck our earth. You know, like just looking at, oh my God, I'm just going to manifest all this abundance, all these shoes, all these blah, blah, blah, blah. What is? How is that affecting the earth? How is that affecting the space that you're living in? How fulfilling is what you're manifesting? That is a massive, massive, fricking question. And also the word create versus just manifesting, because manifestation is a co-creative process, right? So, ali, what's your relationship with manifestation now?

Speaker 3:

You know it's funny because you can read or hear about books like the Secret and it's like, oh, just think about things positively and it will somehow come to fruition. And that's just not how things work. And for me I was so firmly entrenched and really again like frozen in fear with scarcity and I could not, I mean outside of. I have been keeping gratitude journals since COVID. That's really been sweet for me, but those were like kind of stolen moments each day where at the end of the day I would reflect back and be like, okay, these are the things that I was grateful for, but I couldn't even see abundance on the other side of that, and manifestation was even further outside of abundance for me. So that was even not, I mean, that was outside of the realm of possibility for me up until CFA. And now you know that first again, that first heel phase was really what like just grabbed me and pulled me in because it got me to reflect not only on just how much I had bought in to this patriarchal, shame based system of finances and scarcity and where I was coming from and the fact that I was, you know, just the things that I was holding back for myself on a daily basis. Everything from you know like oh, don't eat that cupcake, save it for tomorrow to you know like don't burn, yeah, don't burn the candle. Don't, don't allow yourself those things because it can so easily get out of control, is what I was thinking. You have to remain restrained and stuck to those things, because that's what's keeping you safe.

Speaker 3:

Versus, when I started to think about abundance, I was like, oh my gosh, it's everywhere.

Speaker 3:

And it's not material abundance, it's the fact that I get to go out and have a hike and I got to start.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I remember one day during class being like, oh my gosh, you guys, I just realized that my backyard has these linden trees and they smell amazing and I had never known, and I've lived here for what?

Speaker 3:

Five, six years, and I just never even allowed myself to think about those things or to really register them in my body. So now I think about the fact that, like, linden is one of my favorite sense and I realized that because I started viewing abundances being something that can allow I can allow myself to experience, rather than just kind of holding it, babe, because that was somehow going to spoil me or impact my ability to protect myself and remain independent. So now that manifestation piece is such a concept that's within reach, it's like, oh, it doesn't have to be this, this silly concepts that's so abstract. Now it's oh, because I can allow myself to experience abundance, I can actually think about these other things now that I have been wanting for myself with my business, or my business is kind of like Stase, and I, you know, I can allow myself to have those experiences too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, I'm so happy to hear that. Ali, that's beautiful. Yeah, that is so good. I can so relate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's that kind of like having that idea of restriction and it's just, it was, it's just it's so contracted to the body and so now it's just, you know, by releasing that it just counts, this kind of like expansion, and I say no, like you know. And that exploration also of abundance, right, that it's not only money, and at the beginning at least, from my side that was my idea, that abundance was only with money. And when I started understanding that, no money is the tiny part.

Speaker 2:

It's a very small it's part of it Exactly it's really.

Speaker 1:

Nature is everything we see around. We have around and it's up to us to really want to see it, because all of us, we are abundant. It's up to us if we want to see it, or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the way I look at it is that abundance is everywhere, but sometimes what blocks us from abundance it's not about being.

Speaker 2:

My perspective is that scarcity is when we are blocked by abundance from abundance through our wounding. This is when we experience scarcity. Scarcity is experience when our wounds believe that abundance is not safe. And we believe that abundance is not safe because in the past, receiving was not safe. In the past, receiving was conditional. In the past, you had to do something to be able to receive, to be worthy, or the word that you use, ali, to earn the prestige of receiving right. So that is what scarcity is for me is that when you're in scarcity, there is something that is blocking you from abundance, and we use the language of emotions to become clear on what's blocking us. And also through the money archetypes, when I feel scarcity, I know that there's something blocking me. What is blocking me?

Speaker 2:

I go and use the lingo of the money archetypes to make it more tangible, right, like, oh my God, I feel so scared. I feel so scared like all of that is very general. But when we go into the self-leadership of like, okay, I'm feeling scarce, something is scaring me. My nervous system is activated. What does it feel like? Oh, that sounds okay, that sounds like the victim. So what does the victim need? You know, because there are archetypes. Archetypes are called archetypes because they exist in all of us, right? So when I give you the framework of how to work with each archetypes in CFA, it's just like it's a shortcut. You're like oh, the victim, the victim usually needs this. Okay, this is what is needed. This is why I'm feeling anxious, this is why my nervous system is in flight mode or in dorsal or whatever, right? So that gives you the shortcut to feeling abundant again, because all it is is fear, right, and I'm not like just saying stop feeling the fear.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not. I don't use that kind of lingo, I don't use that language. It's not about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. It's about leading yourself through the fear. It's about being the, the leader in your emotional world, of not allowing the younger parts to drive, because they're young, they're not supposed to know how to drive. Right, but that is my, that is how I look at it. It's not, it doesn't need to be complicated, and you know, we can. We can lead an easeful life, we can be abundant in the here and the now, because abundance is everywhere, most certainly. And when we start looking at Everything as abundance just hanging out with a friend, just being, just being alive, just all of that, that is abundance. That that's when we start softening and opening up to it Right, when we stop having that rigid idea that it has to come in this way only.

Speaker 3:

With regard to that, softening to self-compassion is one of the things that kept coming up for us, too, in CFA, and that's such a beautiful thing, because that self-compassion isn't something most of us allow in ourselves. But looking at those money archetypes and what they're helping protect us from or working for us, Mm-hmm is one of those things.

Speaker 3:

Once you start realizing, oh, that's just my innocent or my tyrant is trying to protect me from that, it brings in that self-compassion piece that's so beautiful, like, oh yeah, well, you know he's here because he's proud to protect you. In the past you know you've had parents who've taken money out of your account, so it makes sense he's trying to protect you. That innocent, she just wants you know my little pony. So it's okay if you buy her, my little pony. It's those types of things where you look at them and you go, oh, I can understand where they're coming from and I have compassion for that. So, rather than coming down so hard on yourself and then getting really rooted further in that scarcity mindset, you flip that and you can have that self-compassion, say, oh, I know where you're coming from. This is the wound.

Speaker 2:

And this is what I can do about it. Yes, absolutely. That is why we do not talk about these things as self sabotage or limiting beliefs. These two concepts Are very shame-infusing, right? Oh man, yeah, hmm, I'm so speaking of abundance, I feel very abundant hanging out with both of you. Thank you so much for being here and for being so open. And what about CFA? That Went with your, with your values or with your life mission that you decided to invest your most importantly time and energy, and also money, into it?

Speaker 3:

For me in knowing that this business that I have been creating is so important to me as a person and so embodied Everything that I have inside of me was simultaneously making me really scared and fearful, because I wanted to make sure that I got it right, and also really hopeful, thinking, okay, I can look at somebody like Nadine, who has so beautifully involved all the things that are so important to you and your story, hearing your story and realizing like, okay, so she's incorporated these things that she knows, she's, you know, really good at.

Speaker 3:

You were just talking about your background and accounting, and Knowing that you're a spiritual person too and how all of those things that most people, I think, would not have ever thought to put together, ended up manifesting in this beautiful program that you've allowed us to go through and feeling like, okay, if she can combine all of those experiences and make something so impactful out of it, then I can too.

Speaker 3:

So I really looked to you as kind of that role model person who I was like, okay, what she's done. I would love to be able to replicate that for myself, and so that allowed me to look at this program and think I can go in. You know, it's going to be just fine for me again, because I was coming from such a place of scarcity where I was just trying to get it. A place of scarcity where I was like, do I have the money to spend on this? And freaking out about it for about a week and then realizing I need to do this. This is going to be an investment in myself and an investment in future generations Hopefully, too, while I'm working with kids, so that I can prevent them from getting to the place where I had come from before I went through CFA.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, allie. So, speaking of expanding receivership, I'm sitting here going like, oh my god, I received this.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, of course you're welcome. What about you, kenna? What about CFA? That you've jived with your values and your mission, for you personally and for your business.

Speaker 1:

Well, since I've been struggling with my finances for a while. So that was one of the things, and knowing that I was having this scarcity mindset and in a way, I've been working at Edge in the last two, three years, but I know it was something like deeper there. So, and I've been following you for two years or something, this is what we met and I listened to your podcast. I really like your energy, your approach and your fagia and your helna and you know. So that's the way it calls the. You know the life too. It's like being raw sometimes. It's not like ginging it now, it's like to the point, you know.

Speaker 1:

So when you said I'm coming out a group program, I was like I'm in. I literally didn't have much idea of what was about it, but just a bit. But I was like I don't care, like I know how you are, like you know, and I got to know you even deeper now and I'm just so blessed for that and I feel very abundant just because of that. And Ali, in the whole group of beautiful ladies that we were there, that, no, I was just like yeah, as soon as you said it, I was like I'm in, yeah, you're the first person and I'm an advantage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're right. You know, like a lot of marketing programs are like you need to go into the detail, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like yeah, yeah, and my people, it's not like my people, it's the people that need to get the message and the codes that are in the program will find the program. Like I've got clients that found me that I, like my energy, came to them in an ayahuasca ceremony. Like I'm not too fussed about marketing, right, like it's fine, you know. And the other two ladies also that were in CFA in your cohorts, have you know they, they don't really, they didn't really buy because of my amazing marketing skills, just because I've been so honest and role about my journey since day one. I that is speaking of self leadership I always lead with honesty and role-ness and like I never pretend that I'm like this very self controlled person, hell no.

Speaker 2:

I'm emotional as fuck and it's it's just like leading through, leading myself, risk and foremost. It's not about leading people, it's about leading yourself, and that just then has a ripple effect on on, on the people that want to be in your energy and people that want to learn from you. Right, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So it's really it's really that simple. So I know we covered that in our last group ceremony inside of CFA, but I would love to go around and ask you both what? What have you manifested through CFA and how have you manifested for your inner child in specific?

Speaker 3:

For me. I'm on my next steps to my business and I'm not throwing myself into a lagoon, as I referenced earlier. I'm giving myself these wonderful, lovely stepping stones that feel abundant and fulfilling. And that feels really good because from the time that I knew I wanted to start empowerment, I started feeling like, oh gosh, I am not coming from a place where I have people in my life that can help lead me through this. I don't have people that I can go to and say, hey, you've been through this, you've started your own business. I would love some leadership around this. So knowing now that I'm in BAM and that I have, you know, some mentorship through the business piece of things is really such a beautiful manifestation.

Speaker 3:

That came from CFA because once again it was okay can I invest my, can I invest my money? Can I invest in myself so that I can feel warm and supported, going through the next steps of creating my business and just knowing how better to care for myself? I've been going through this somatic healing piece for the last month now and just starting to really pay attention to my body, because prior to this, you know, my brain was so loud and in a good way, she always spoke up for me and she always kept me on track and things like that, but it also discounted other major parts of me that needed to be included, and so now I am really starting to pay more attention to my body and what my body has to say to me. So this integration is absolutely an integration of self, is absolutely something that has manifested from CFA too, and that's huge. I mean talk about life altering.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Yeah, it is big, manifesting the new chapter of your life. I'm very, very, very happy to hear that. I'm very like, proud of you and very happy and glad that you're you're in that level, because the world needs you. You know your message, your potency, you too can everybody out there the world needs you to be in your authentic power.

Speaker 2:

Right being in your room being is, maybe it feels familiar and familiar, safe to your nervous system. But that's not where. That's not where the juicy growth comes from. We did not come on this life earth journey to remain small. We're here to to spread our magic, because it's not about you. Your magic is not about you. Your magic is about the magic that will help us, that will help others grow and in turn, help others grow, and so on and so forth, absolutely, mm. So ripple effect, fuck yeah. Ripple effect, yeah ripple effect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what about you, kenna? What did you manifest for yourself and for your inner child, and where are you at now? And also in the same like, tell us more about your business and where people can find you, since your business is up and running.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. One of the things I really put my all my parts together with this program, like I didn't notice that I was having like my inner child and my ego, like I put them like out of me and those are also part of myself. So by putting them together and having that talking to my little girl and bringing their home here into my heart, that really was a big, a big shift for me, because I really feel whole now in a way. Yeah, I was feeling it, but now I'm feeling like I embody it. Yeah, so yeah, because for me, working with a nervous system is the first time that I do it and, as Ali was saying, just being more present with my body and noticing more what is going on, and because sometimes, of course, we get too much into our heads. So really being more present into my body now it has makes a big difference, a big, big difference. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's lovely, I always say your body is your body on your day.

Speaker 2:

Your body is your body, because all the wisdom is in the body and we are told to lead from the mind. And, yes, it's safer to lead from logic. But guess what? Y'all, 90% of our, of our decisions are emotional, especially when it comes to money. We all know what we need to do. Right, our brain is not deficient. We know what we need to do. It is our emotions that are really, really leading. So, understanding our emotions, oh my God. Thank you so much, both of you, for willing to share so openly and vulnerably about your experience in life and CFA in your future. Thank you. Like I said, please Just share your stuff. You know where. Where can people find you? I know, ali you're. Do you want to talk a little bit about what you're about to embark on?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll give you a quick one liner. So you know growing up, you know similar to you, you know your wounding points to your calling, as I like to say. So the places where you kind of felt efficient growing up is Part of what that magic that you're just referring to will help manifest to future generations. So that is what I am working on. It is a program for kids 12 to 18, called empowerment, and I can Certainly, you know, give you the Web site or whatever, and then I'll be taking people on a waitlist once everything opens up and is completely ready.

Speaker 3:

The program itself has been written and everything like that, and it's just to help kids understand where their Values and then where their talents and what's important to them are all aligned, so that they have an idea going into those all stressful Transitions from middle school and high school and then into college, so that 12 to 18 year range, and so that they can get some social support along the way too, because it's a group program where they bring a mentor into it so that they have that adult support from not only who they bring but then the other adults in the program they're peers so that they can get some peer support and then go off into the world Knowing and being grounded and who they are, and not like oh, I have this plan.

Speaker 3:

I know exactly how I'm going to get through engineering school so that I can build, you know, the next bridge somewhere. But this is who I am. This is what's really important to me, so that, no matter what life throws at me, I have this very solid grounding and this is who I am. This is what's important and this is how I can move forward, knowing myself.

Speaker 2:

Dear Lord, I've got goosebumps. I first of all wish I had that growing up. I was so freaking, lost, and having your energy For me, teenage Nadine, would have been a life to me too.

Speaker 1:

That's why I don't Freakin excited.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we build these things for, like the previous versions of us right. I'm so freaking excited that you're going to launch this and, yes, please share the website and everything so I can pop them the show notes and you know, opening that wait list. Thank you, yeah, what about you canna tell us about your, your stuff, your wellness?

Speaker 1:

your well-being project. It's very interesting that it's kind of like it follows what Ali was saying, just in a way. Are they just like now? I'm, you know, I'm supporting women who are in there like my more, like in their middle life, and in power them and empowering them that to know who they are the fun is as well, because I work more with women who are in life Transitions, like divorce, separation, if that in their awakening process.

Speaker 2:

The stickiest fuck is that.

Speaker 1:

I wish I had. I know we get into the void.

Speaker 2:

It's like I know, right in 2015. I wish I had that energy, oh sorry Tell us more, tell us more.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so. It's basically about that, about that like really Helping them and guiding them in that, in those different process, because there's also a lot of grieving. And so since I've been, you know, I've been divorced twice. So it's also like that's why I focus more in women who are in those kind of like divorce, separation, because I I've been there and so to really for them to learn who they are, so they can start building the, the life that they desire, not what they, you know, made up with all the hats that they are Wearing, because we are not those hats. At the end, yes, you know, it's our own being so, if we get to know who we really are and put our values and our desires there, so it's really so they can start living that, the life that they want, not what they've been into a checklist or it was expected or anything else. So, yeah, so that's why, yeah, that's what my label at this point does its empowerment guide and my I love how you lead your show.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and the the name of my project is will be project.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, thank you so much for sharing that. I will pop your details both, both of both of y'all. How are you? I lived in the South for three years. I'm married to a Southern, or so I get to say y'all, y'all details in the show. All right, everyone. Thank you so much for listening, for tuning in. If you have any questions about CFA, reach out to me, reach out to Ali, reach out to Kenna. They're like the CFA ambassadors now.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it's our little project.

Speaker 2:

It's our baby. Reach out, ask questions. Um, we'd love to have you, if it aligns, and I will see you all in the next episode. I, you.

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