UnF*ck Your Money
Welcome to Unf*ck Your Money with Nadine Zumot, Certified Money Coach ®️and Somatic Healing Practitioner.
I combine financial coaching with Somatic Healing to help you thrive financially and beyond!
Through a blend of practical financial strategies, nervous system regulation and emotional healing I help you have the freedom and empowerment to positively impact the world and make a kick-ass career from your life purpose.
I was born in Amman, Jordan, and spent most of my adult life in Australia, France and the US. My well-rounded perspective on money has been informed by my experience living in different cultures, and my professional experience in personal finances, money archetypes, somatic healing, trauma release.
I currently live in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my partner Tommy, and our furbaby Arby.
And for those who are curious (I know I'd be!) I am a Leo Virgo Cuspie, 1/4 Mani Gen and I love cooking, reading, hiking and breakdancing!
With my direct, edgy and fun approach to money, the purpose of this podcast is to help you break through your financial blocks, release unhealthy money patterns, and cultivate a sexy and secure relationship with money!!
UnF*ck Your Money
It’s not you, it’s your Scarcity Wound. And it’s time for it to go Bye Bye!
Oh Scarcity. How I know you. How I researched and learned about you.... and how I spent what seems like a lifetime healing from you.
This topic cuts deep, on a personal leve.
And this episode was pretty challenging for me to create because I can talk about Scarcity Wounds for HOURS! And I had to be concise and snappy because it's a podcast 😆
Because of that, I decided to invite you to take this conversation a little deeper inside a 90-minute working on Dissolving the Scarcity Wound next week, Tuesday 21, 2023 at 10 AM PST! (update: Event sold out)
This is not just an episode; it's your first step toward healing.
In this episode, I dive into:
- the WHY behind our Sacrcity Wound. How and how it develops and why we still have it even if we didn't grow up in lack.
- How the Scarcity Wound may be the real reason why finances look and feel chaotic.
- How it manifests in money.
- How it shows up in sneaky ways, making you say yes when you know you need to say no, and no when in your heart, you want to say yes to what lights you up.
- The importance of understanding and healing the 'not good enough' wound.
- Finally, we go into the healing process, exploring how scarcity alienates us from the here and now.
Whether you're struggling with scarcity trauma or seeking to understand it better, this episode promises to leave you enlightened and inspired. Remember, this journey towards abundance is not one you have to embark on alone. I am here, ready to support you every step of the way.
Join us for an awesome 90-min workshop on Dissolving the Scarcity Wound on Tuesday 21, 2023 at 10 AM PST! (update: Event sold out)
Recordings available if you can't make it live!
❤️ Nadine
Thank you for being here ❤️
To book a 1:1 Session with me, please go here.
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Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/
~Podcast theme song by The Jilted Irony
So, yay, thank you so much for being here. If you are a return listener, welcome back. I really appreciate your support. I really appreciate the self-healing dirty that you're on. If you are new to the show, hey, hey, welcome. So good to have you.
Speaker 1:So I'm Nadine Zarmat. I am a holistic money coach and I just want to talk about ScareCity today. I saw a post over the weekend by the holistic psychologist If you don't follow her, I don't know who you are. She's got five million followers, seven million followers, and I feel like everybody who is on a journey of healing themselves, on a journey of healing altogether, is maybe a fan of her, maybe not, but at least you've heard about her. So she posted something about ScareCity the other day and I was going through and reading the comments because I'm such a money nerd and I realized that there's a lot of people out there that don't really know that what they're going through is actually scarcity.
Speaker 1:Sometimes we name things and just the act of naming something is an act of healing, so we don't heal just by naming it. But I always say that there's always this really thick layer of shame when we are going through challenging feelings and just knowing that you're not the only one and that it's so popular that they even actually have a name for it is in itself such a revelation. It just relaxes you knowing that you're not alone and that you're not broken. We all know we're not broken in our cognitive mind, but when we are going through the thick of things sometimes we have our doubts, and that's normal. So I loved what was written in the comments because it was just so. Dr Nicole she's. She just talked about the symptoms of scarcity, which we are going to be talking about here today in this podcast, but also like the idea that not a lot of people knew that what they were going through has a name and it's called scarcity. And I am not a stranger to scarcity and I got to be honest and it's all about transparency here.
Speaker 1:On the money healing podcast. Honestly, this was one of those really tough podcast episodes to prepare for, because scarcity is very near and dear to my heart and because it's something that I have suffered through for most of my life and because it's something that I have researched and studied and healed and worked with people and worked on myself, on saying that I have a you know, a fountain of knowledge and also healing tools and tips. On the scarcity wound is an understatement. It's if I were to like niche down, if somebody were to hold a gun to my head and be like you got a niche down even further than money wounds, I'd be like, yeah, scarcity, okay, because scarcity is the thing, the very thing that has triggered my stuff right, like that's the underlying energy or the wounding behind everything.
Speaker 1:And inside of CFA we talk about the core wounds that create the money wound and scarcity is one of them. There are many others, but today we're going to be diving into scarcity and how it forms. Right, I'm going to be sharing my story with you just for you, because, well, I love to share my story, just because it's healing to hear other people's story and what they went through. But also I want to show you how scarcity wounding develops, how it's not your fault, how you're not to blame, your parents are not to blame. But also, I want to talk to you a little bit about how to start healing it and you don't have to take 10 years to heal it like I did because, hi, you have me. And if you want to take this healing experience with scarcity a little bit deeper, of course we're going to be talking all about it inside of CFA create fulfilling abundance, my six month program. So either look at the show notes or reach out if you're interested in joining.
Speaker 1:However, I did decide to create a workshop to talk to you and teach you how to start healing your scarcity wound. So the workshop is happening next week. It's happening on November 21st. It's a Tuesday, 10 am PST. The link for the invite is in the show notes. So it's just a nine minute workshop. We're going to go through what scarcity is. I'm going to help you start understanding where it came from so that you can start healing it from the root. I'm going to leave you with tools. I'm going to leave you with a different perspective which is going to give you lots of epiphanies in the workshop and, as you know, my work is not about just getting to the epiphanies and being like, yay, I healed these epiphanies. Then you can deepen.
Speaker 1:Whether you're a self healing practice, you take it to your therapist, your coach, your mentor, or, if you decide to join us in CFA, you're more than welcome to and I know that I mean it's. We're all like familiar with the online world and we know that if there is a workshop happening. It's a sales pitch. It's not a sales pitch, promise you. It's not a sales pitch. I'm transparent. Everything I have to offer is right there on my website and my podcast. You can ask me questions, but this is not like one of those things of like I'm going to take you to the climate, like, take you to the peak and then be like okay, now, if you want to find out how to do this stuff, you got to join my big ass program. I ain't going to do that. Okay, because that pisses me off when people do it, and I'm not going to do that to you. You come, you are going to get a full on healing experience and you decide you want to keep working with me, you can. You decide you don't want to. You'll never be pressured. You'll never be like oh my God, you got to do this. No, don't worry about that. Okay, this is not about scarcity. I'm not going to like use scarcity in a workshop about scarcity. That's hilarious, all right, so let's dive in and then we'll. Let's talk about scarcity.
Speaker 1:As you know or maybe you don't I grew up with a lot of chaos, a lot of turmoil, a lot of uncertainty in my life. As a child. It was happening both outside and inside the house. So I grew up in the Middle East. It was in the 80s and the 90s and, as you can imagine, fear and uncertainty were everywhere. We had war happening in the West Bank and there was war happening in Iraq and I had lots of family in Iraq because my mom's Iraqi. We used to go to Baghdad a lot and we would see things firsthand. We also got lots of refugees in Jordan. We had a lot of panhandlers that would come and knock on the door and don't go away until you give them something. And that was really scary for me because at the time I didn't really understand it. But looking back, I just felt like I didn't have much and these people that had less, I didn't have more to give them. It was such a confusing thing for me as a child. It was really, really scary, and we also had long stints where we didn't have hot water. So I really remember my mom heating up water in pots and pans so that we can bathe three or four times a week. So scarcity in resources, scarcity in seeing refugees come in, people losing things and people were losing their jobs, and all of that it was very chaotic outside.
Speaker 1:But then you go inside the house, daddy, my dad, he, I think he has soul nourishment. That sounds horrible, but he just thrived on terrorizing us. Let's just put it that way. I always had this image of him he was a smoker. I guess he still is a smoker. He would just sit in the living room in two or three in the morning in the dark, just chain smoking, and I would get up to go get a glass of water, go to the loo, whatever. And I'm like, holy shit, there's this teeny, tiny little orange thing in the living room and it's my dad, just chain smoking and plotting.
Speaker 1:And as a child I always just imagined him sitting there and planning how he will manipulate, control and terrorize us. And, oh my God, it was so scary. I would go back to bed after my drink of water or my pee and I'll be like what is he up to now? Maybe he wasn't up to anything, but that was my reality as a child. That really affected me and he acted like we were such burdens on him burdens on his time, his finances, his freedom, whatever. And his favorite words were no. So no wonder I grew up with so much scarcity. No was the word. And the other thing is that now, as an adult, I noticed that I have scarcity when I'm happy, scarcity when I feel peaceful. And you know I love digging and analyzing.
Speaker 1:I went back to what could be the source of this and I realized that peace, happiness, joy were never something that I was able to relax into and trust as a child, because peace, joy, happiness, excitement were the calm before the storm. It only meant that dad is plotting. If dad is quiet, then dad is plotting, and that means that peace you couldn't like. You remained hyper vigilant. I would remain, not you, not you. I remained hyper vigilant my entire freaking childhood and like that's not really like technical terms, but that fried my nervous system to you know. It fried it Well, it actually wired it to perceive safe, calm, joy, excitement as not very everlasting, as actually a threat. So now, when I'm happy as an adult, when there's like no dad or no tiger chasing me, I cannot luxuriate in the feeling of happiness. We're all pursuing happiness. We're all pursuing healing. We're all pursuing safety, all that yummy, juicy, connection, blah, blah, blah stuff. But can we hold it? Are we safe in our nervous system to feel safe? That's where we go to, because that is the base of scarcity.
Speaker 1:Okay, so my dad loved to say no, but the problem is, when he said yes, he could take it away at any time. So I internalized that as everything good can be taken away. And, yes, things change. Life change is the only constant in life, right? But the way I internalized that was anything good will be taken away from me. So I don't want to enjoy good things, because when dad saw us enjoying good things, when he would come home and see the three of us the kids and my mom sitting and watching TV, he would come and turn it off because we're enjoying our time, everything that was good, enjoyable and happy. And even when, on the occasion that he would say yes to something that could be taken away from us or used as leverage to further control us. So, yeah, no freaking wonder, okay, and one of the things that I replied to in that holistic, psychologist post was that people were asking where did this come from?
Speaker 1:And a lot of people were saying, like I grew up with really nice parents and we had money, and I don't know why I'm feeling this way. And yeah, that's the case with a lot of my clients, so a lot of people have had really challenging childhoods that contribute to that boonding of scarcity. But if you are someone that grew up with nice parents, that you grew up middle class or even wealthy, yet you still feel scarcity, scarcity is still your norm and it just doesn't make sense to you, then I would say, like it's. I wouldn't say it is like. What I keep seeing is that scarcity is actually not just from money, it's not just from yeah, you know, like not having nice parents. It's also from growing up in chaotic, changing environment that you can internalize as like chaotic, uncertain and insecure. So even if it's like positive chaos, even if you came from a family that, like your father, moved you guys a lot because you know he worked in many different countries he was an ambassador, for example that chaos going into a new school that all can become quite scary and too much too soon on your nervous system and that can be also internalized as scarcity.
Speaker 1:Okay, so a lot of like things that happen in our early years can create developmental issues that can alter what and how our nervous system is wired and what it perceives as safe or dangerous. So, again, like I've talked about this a lot on this podcast. But when we look at things from the perspective of us, as we were children, when we had limited resources of maturity you know we have underdeveloped brain and nervous system things can be misunderstood and amplified and internalized as beliefs, even if they were harmless, right. So even positive things can cause change, like moving, like I said, moving countries, moving school, even being teased and bullied for being richer than your classmates. I had a client last year. Her issue was like her issue was having money wounds, but what it came down to? When we did her money bio exercise and all that stuff that we do now in CFA, we realized that because she was bullied for being rich, right.
Speaker 1:So, and you know, speaking of being rich and wealthy, too many people actual, actual scarcity and poverty are facts of life. But what if you've never experienced poverty? Or maybe you used to. You were in a situation where you were, you know, not earning a lot or don't have a lot of resources, but you are no longer in that circumstance. Maybe you are now the most abundant version of you that you've ever been, but you still feel scarcity, you still feel lack. So why do you still feel lack and scarcity? Why are you still in survival mode, when you do not need to be anymore. Okay, and that is why it's called scarcity wounding or scarcity trauma. Scarcity wound is real. It can cause a lot of suffering and it might make you even miss out on so so much in life. It can make you say yes when you want to say no. It makes you say no when in your heart of hearts it's a big, fat, full-bodied yes.
Speaker 1:Scarcity made me miss out on so much and it made me spend so much of my life, energy and time feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. So it made me buy the cheapest clothes. You know the ones that make you itch and you feel really gross wearing them and you know that they weren't created and manufactured sustainably. You know the ones that the dye stain runs down even when they're dry, like, yeah, that cheap.
Speaker 1:Scarcity made me feel cheap and stingy at times and it filled me with shame and I hated that about myself and it just felt like it was out of my hands. You know I had a friend that actually teased me in a loving way for buying these cheap clothes and I couldn't explain to him how I knew it, but it just felt out of my hands. It felt it made me feel cheap, but it was just out of my control and spending money, even paying a bill, even going to the grocery store, felt like a death sentence in my body. Buying a birthday present for a friend made me feel like shit, like I would create, you know, like these lies, these little lies, and I'm busy because I can't. I can't get myself to buy a present for a birthday for, like my friend.
Speaker 1:It just made me feel so shameful of these things and, like just recently, it made my, my partner and I fight a lot at the supermarket, like supermarket scaries are real when you have the scarcity wound, because the more you pile things into your cart, even if they are in line with your shopping list, the more that scarcity rises in in your body, in your nervous system. And me, I go into freeze mode. So first I go into fight and then I freeze and my husband's like Nadine, we finished from this aisle and I'm like just like chance fixed and just really like calculating in my brain and then, oh, can we? Oh, maybe this one? Like, oh, $10, 1099. Just like doing these things where I know that I have money in my, in the grocery bucket, I know it. But my nervous system goes into survival mode when it doesn't need to. That is when we have a wound and it's really all it's real.
Speaker 1:Scarcity can make you feel like there will never be enough money. No matter how much you make, there's always a need for more. It makes you chase. For me, it felt like the more money I made, the worse the scarcity got. More money meant more can be taken away from me. But you know what, my love? Nothing is going to fill that void.
Speaker 1:Because I want to tell you what scarcity is from a from this energetic or spiritual perspective. Energetically, spiritually, from what I found throughout my years in working with scarcity my own scarcity and helping my clients with their scarcity is that scarcity is the belief that everything good might just be taken away from us. It is the belief that you are not good enough and that if you are not hyper vigilant, you might just get forgotten by God and by the universe. Scarcity is simply a childhood fear of being unseen and forgotten, and scarcity can come from a core wound that creates the belief, this ongoing belief, that we are not good enough. The I'm not good enough wound can create a lot of financial chaos and a scarcity mindset in your life, like this limited mindset in your life, and by limited I don't mean limiting, but what I mean is like a type of attitude and mentality where it's better to stay small, it's better to have less needs, it's better to not have any expectations or have dreams, it's better to just stay contained, just because we don't want to feel unseen, forgotten or like anything that might confirm the sneaky suspicion, slash belief that we are not good enough.
Speaker 1:Some of the patterns that I see that are the root of not good enough wounds. So if you have this not good enough wounding, some of the things that might have happened in your childhood that created this wound is. Sometimes it's receiving conditional love and positive attention from your parents or caregivers or your teachers only when you perform and be good you know air quotations here good. Being abused, receiving verbal, emotional, financial and even sexual abuse can obviously make us feel like we are worthless or we are not good enough. Sometimes we are being told as children that we are worthless, or like we're never going to amount to anything, or like you'll only be good if you study this or excel at a sport or at a music instrument, going to school with a bunch of people who are wealthier than we are can make us feel inferior and can create that core wound of not being good enough, being bullied, feeling or actually being different from others, witnessing abuse of others, growing up in poverty and adverse circumstances can be internalized as I am not good enough.
Speaker 1:You know that I'm not good enough wounding, and you know I look at families sometimes and the whole family would have been subjected to the same circumstances, but each family member, depending on when, you know when that incident happened, according to their age and their life, what happened to their life before. Sometimes it's the order of the siblings, you know, sometimes the younger sibling, you know they grew up in completely different environment than the older siblings, for example, like a lot of times when the older sibling is born, the parents are just starting and it's things are a little bit scarce, but by the time the third sibling is born, things are a little bit easygoing and things are a little bit more abundant at home. So when something else happens, you know, like when sibling number one and sibling number three are subjected to, like another challenging situation, each of them can internalize and create beliefs from that situation, depending on many different factors. Of course, we talk about attachment wounding inside of CFA and how that affects everything. So it is multi-layered and back in the day when I was struggling with scarcity, I didn't have the language for it and I thought it was just me, and I just want to let you know that that's not just you. This is a universal wound. It's actually I see it as like a wound that we all have as a collective, but also an individual wound and for me personally, my purpose in life is to help people with individual scarcity and money wounds, but that's not to discount the fact that there are systemic and unfairness and wounding and trauma with money, finances and otherwise that are universal and are collective, right, but we each have we can't do everything, and my specific gift and purpose is for individuals and even like in a group inside of CFA, for example, and speaking publicly about this stuff inside my podcast, inside any of the workshops that I gave and Speaking of workshops, again a reminder I am holding a dissolve the scarcity wound workshop next week, tuesday 21st of November 2023. So just go into the show notes to see your invite and join us.
Speaker 1:So scarcity, like we were saying, it can create a lot of financial chaos, and just now we were talking about the not good enough wound that can create that scarcity, and now we're gonna talk about how scarcity Can create money wounds. Okay, so scarcity can create a money wound that looks like overspending or underspending or complete financial avoidance. So it can cause Overspending when we feel like we are not good enough, so we buy things to prove that belief wrong. Or we feel like we're good enough, so we buy things to soothe the pain of that, of that belief in feeling. Sometimes we overspend when, as like you know, scarcity can cause us to overspend when we don't feel worthy of friendships or Romantic partners, so we become overly generous. And even that can put some clients into debt at times because of their people pleasing tendencies or Like they attempt to keep people around them or to prove their worth to people. Like you know, if a friend that is a little bit more well off than you gives you a big present, then you feel obliged to return the favor when it's their turn, right, like their birthday. So there's a lot of times that phone response kicks in and it causes us to overspend. Remember, like no shame in all of this, I'm just stating the fact of what I see, and this is just to give you that awareness Are we gonna go into that a little bit more more gently in the workshop, because I'll get to see you face to face.
Speaker 1:The overspending can happen from like soothing sadness or any big emotions, especially those feelings of not being good enough. Sometimes for me, like I overspend on marketing programs when I feel like I'm not good enough to Market myself, for example, and that's you know totally from my scarcity wounding we can overcompensate through purchasing procedures or products to enhance our physical appearance, whether it's like things that we do to our physical appearance just to Overcompensate that feeling of not being good enough. Or maybe we purchase really expensive vehicles when we don't need to, or like gadgets and whatever Just to overcompensate for that feeling. Sometimes we have that like compulsive urge to stock up on things when we don't need to, just in case we don't run out like, for example, me if I like something, I'll buy in every color and not use them. You know it's cool when you like something and you buy in every color and you use them all the time, but then the problem for me is that I keep them all in this drawer. I have a full drawer of things that are brand new, that I've never touched, but I keep buying and buying because I just have this fear that it's gonna run out. It's like crazy. I feel like. I feel, you know, like it's uncontrollable, right, sometimes like my example.
Speaker 1:But a lot of my clients, they, their houses, are full with clothes and things and and Especially the things that they haven't worn or they don't even use. You know, they keep buying and buying candles, for example, but they can't even allow themselves to burn a candle because that's just a special occasions candle or the special occasions. So the special occasions, crockery cup theory, whatever. And For me you know I gave this example but most of the time my scarcity makes me under spend. Okay, and under spending is actually a chronic issue when it starts affecting your quality of life.
Speaker 1:So for me, hoarding money and holding on to money to edify and Like, make myself worth a little bit more, like bigger, it was happening through accumulating wealth, like my not good enoughness was being edified through like having a lot of money right, if I were to spend money, whether it's small or big amounts, I would have crazy amounts of anxiety. I would feel like, you know, I'd be in my, in my office, my room, whatever, paying a bill like I Cognitively know that there's nothing chasing me but I'll be sweating, my heart would be racing. My palms are all like itchy and twitchy and and and and like sweaty, and it's like I'm literally being like being chased. And that's the actual visceral feeling that I feel when my scarcity was like running the show at the time and, of course, I mentioned being scared and anxious at the supermarket and not ending up buying what we need. And, of course, as you can expect, it can also impact your income. It can be make you feel inherently inferior, so you avoid marketing yourself or you avoid asking for a raise or you avoid raising your prices, which obviously impacts your income and your comfort. It might make you feel like an imposter. Scarcity can definitely make you feel like an imposter, from what I've seen.
Speaker 1:So it makes you spend all your money on improving your skills. I went through that for a while. That's why you you see a lot of certificates. I mean, yeah, I love learning, but sometimes learning can come from like this really yummy Place of like. I want to learn more. And sometimes it comes from this scarcity.
Speaker 1:Right, um, scarcity can also create this thing where you avoid looking at your finances Because it's yet another source of scarcity and anxiety, which enforces the narrative of not being good enough. Right, so it's like the chicken or the egg situation Like you've got, you avoid your finances, so you feel like you're not good enough. But because you feel you're not good enough, you avoid your finances and that can create like cycles of late being late paying bills, late fees, interest rates and low credit scores and all that stuff. And you know it doesn't stop there. Scarcity can show up in time, food, love, friendships, happy good times, like when you're you know, when you're away and having fun at a park or in on a vacation, you're like I don't want this to end. I'm really like scared and you get anxious about ending and never, ever having this much fun ever again.
Speaker 1:It can you know anything? Anything that has historically, like in your past, was historically perceived as a limited resource, it can be a source where scarcity will show up. For me, scarcity make makes me eat food that I don't like, or food that I probably should not be eating, like Food that doesn't agree with my body, but because it's gonna go off and no one's gonna eat it, so I will eat it. Or food that has, oh, gone way past expiry date. Maybe, like I would wear socks that were beyond repair and you know I I still do, but it's better like this illogical fear that makes you anxious when you need to throw away things or Deny that you have any needs, or or like any needs or desires, especially if they require financial investments, like I used to be very scared of throwing things away.
Speaker 1:And here's the thing y'all, I move a lot. I don't know if you notice that, but when you move, you take these things with you and that literally every single thing you pay, you pay for taking space in the container, in the shipping container, so that ended up looking like I can't throw things away. But I'm also like Sending things back and forth across the oceans and paying for them to be shipped right. So it's just not because I love them, it's because I have this like weird anxiety about throwing them away, and I used to be scared of like going to the doctor because it might cost money, or like maybe the initial consultation won't cost money, but I know that if there are any, you know, future consultations. I'm scared of like even knowing and opening that kind of worm because of scarcity and and, oh my god, in business it looked like chasing clients, having poor money, boundaries, it's, it's everywhere.
Speaker 1:Okay, and I I really want to make you feel like you're not alone. If this is something that you are suffering from, it has a name it's called scarcity and it's fucking real. Okay, and the realness of it, regardless of all the things that I like blurted out here, the realness of it is that it ruined your enjoyment of life because it disconnects you from the present moment, it does not allow you the space, the creativity to relax and enjoy life, and it impact your ability to receive, because scarcity will make you feel like you need to control every aspect of your life. And I don't know if you know, but I love talking about the nervous system, and this is exactly where I want to speak about the nervous system, because, as much as all of these things are accurate, but I want to make you know that they make sense from a physiological perspective, from the perspective of your nervous system. All of these make sense because scarcity is nothing but a nervous system response to protect you.
Speaker 1:So what is happening in your body? There is so much happening in your body, so much happening in your brain when scarcity is is you know the underlying energy, but when you are, you know acting from a place of scarcity, your nervous system is actually you know you're acting, you're seeing yourself being in scarcity action, but what's happening below your consciousness is that your nervous system actually believes that there is danger here, now, in real time. Trauma and unresolved emotional wounds can make our nervous system perceive good, happy, normal, harmless things as dangerous, and this happens in a way that's way below our conscious level. It's not something that we can control with words or mindset work, but it's something that has conditioned your nervous system way, way, way, way, way, way like decades ago to start perceiving things as dangerous and it puts you into survival mode and that survival mode can look like scarcity or the other way around. It's when you experience scarcity, your nervous system goes into survival mode and then you do things, so it's like the chicken and the egg kind of situation.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you can heal it. You can heal it and I want to. You know there is I guess we're like even more than half an hour in I haven't even looked at the time and this is such a dense subject and it's it's impossible for me to convey the richness of the healing of this wound through a freaking podcast episode. That's why I want to host that workshop. So if you feel cold too, just come and join. Okay. So here, while we're here, while I have you, we're going to be talking about healing it, okay.
Speaker 1:So you know how I said that scarcity shows up in many different aspects in life and time love, energy, money. You know all of that stuff. For me personally, I was able to heal it through money healing, because when we heal, when we do the money healing I don't know about other money healers, but for me specifically, when I take someone through my money healing journey, we go to the source of scarcity and when we heal that, that trickles over every other way that scarcity might show up. And when I say heal, I don't mean like it gets, like it vanishes, I just mean that you will feel like you will feel scarcity for less time. And when you do feel scarcity, it won't be as debilitating. And when you do feel it, you will catch it. You'll have that awareness and you're like, yes, I know something's happening and you'll be able to to, you know, maneuver your way through it and also healing. It means that you're not triggered as you used to anymore. Maybe you feel scarcity when bigger things happen, as opposed to every little thing, which is quite debilitating in our day-to-day life. So let's talk about healing.
Speaker 1:Healing scarcity is not a question of how do I heal scarcity. It's a question of what's blocking you from abundance, because abundance is really everywhere. It is not just our birthright. Abundance is our nature. Abundance is in our nature as human beings. That's who we are, what we do. We are as abundant as a flower, as a tree, as the mountains that you see, as the ocean. We are abundant, y'all, and just as the trees and the flowers and the oceans get what they need and what they desire, us too. By nature, we get what we need and what we desire. But how I see it is that when we are living in scarcity, there are things that are blocking us from abundance.
Speaker 1:Okay, and it's not our beliefs, y'all, please. Your beliefs are not. You know, stop blaming your beliefs. Your beliefs come from your core wounds. If you want to change your beliefs, you do not repeat affirmations, because your beliefs, they come from your core wounds. So we need to change the relationship that you have with your core wounds, to change your beliefs, because when you change your beliefs, you change your emotions. When you change your emotions, you will change your thoughts and your actions, your behaviors, etc. Right, and also, you can't just change scarcity from just repeating affirmations. You cannot change scarcity just by exploring your money story, or you know, quote unquote heal your money story. We need to go and release every emotional incident that hasn't been resolved yet. This is a journey. That's why cfa is six months, minimum six months. I can work with you to help you with that, but it's possible for you to do this on your own right. So I'm going to give you those tools in the workshop on tuesday uh, tuesday, november 21st 2023. I hope you to see you there and I hope you found this podcast episode eye opening.
Speaker 1:Awareness is the most important step towards healing, because if you can't see it, how can you heal it? If you can't name it, how can you heal it right? So now you have a name. Now I showed you the multiple ways in which it shows up in life. I gave you real life examples. I gave you my own history so that you can maybe go back and see what, in your childhood, has created the scarcity wound. So we can go there, um and I, you know, I hope to see you in the workshop. I love you and I leave you until next time. All right, everyone love from me your host, nendin zahmat of the money healing podcast. See you next time. Bye.