UnF*ck Your Money

Harnessing the Power of Human Design with Kristin Kilburg

Nadine Zumot

Human Design Guide and a graduate of my 1:1 program, Kristin Kilburg,  joins us in in today's thrilling conversation on Human Design.

Kristin generously shares about her journey going from the safety of a steady job that no longer aligned, to following her intuition to pursue her passion. Kristin's story is nothing short of inspiring!

 As we unpack her journey, we take a deep dive into the magical world of Human Design, and how it has ignited her path towards joy and fulfillment.

Breaking down the world of Human Design, we'll explore the unique energy and strategy each of its five types carry: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors.

Kristin, with her unique insights, will guide you on how to recognize abundance, and make empowering decisions based on your unique "decision-making authority" within Human Design.

Kristin, as a unique Reflector unicorn that she is, has such a way with Human Design. I have been personally very interested in this modality for years, but no one has the same knack at explaning all things Human Design as Kristin does! I am SO excited for you all to dive in!!

Nadine & Kristin!

Mentioned on the episode:
Connect with Kristin on Instagram: @authentically_limitless
Click here to work with Kristin, book a Human Design Reading, and join her Human Design & Breathwork Workshop next week!

Kristin Kilburg is a Human Design Guide on a mission to empower people to become the most authentic versions of themselves. She has been studying and experimenting with Human Design for almost four years and it has allowed her to live her most aligned life. She also has her Master's of Science in Occupational Therapy, is a 200 hour registered yoga teacher, registered children's yoga teacher, Level II Reiki practitioner, and a soon-to-be Breathwork and Meditation Coach. She lives in Iowa with her husband, Keegan, and the love of her life, Cooper, their 5-year-old Golden Retriever. 

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~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello everyone, welcome back to the Money Healing Podcast. I am your host, nadine Zommelt, and I don't know if you've noticed this, but July's theme of on the Money Healing Podcast is fun. I know we do talk about trauma and money wounds a lot and all that, and that is all very, very important, but just for the spirit of summer, I thought why not talk about money from the lens of something fun? So I hope you enjoyed last week's episode on Money and the Enneagram. And then week before that, I had my friend, ryan Roy, join me, actually in person, and we talked about the fear of abundance.

Speaker 1:

And this week you are all in for a treat because her name is Kristen Kilberg. But she's actually a gem. She is a diamond in the rock and her perspective on life is just so freaking cool. I had the honor and the pleasure of coaching her to how many years ago 2021. So that's two years ago and she is so talented at what she does. She is also a reflector in human design, which gives her that extra zesty taste to life and perspective that's like so unique and awesome. So I'm very excited to have her here as a guest and introduce you all to her work. I also love referring clients to her, and I also like to give clients birthday gifts as a reading with her, because she's just you know something else. So welcome to the Money Healing podcast. Thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me. What an intro. I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course. So I like to ask my guests this question first thing, which is what turns you on in life? What is turning on in life these days?

Speaker 2:

Anything that, like, I just get to dive into and it's like time doesn't. I don't even notice time is passing, so usually that's human design. Right now there's an added piece of breath work. I've been doing a breath work and meditation certification and it's been amazing and I've been having downloads from that, so that is just like lighting me up and turning me on. Right now, of course, my dog Cooper.

Speaker 1:

Cooper, I just saw his little butt this year. My Cooper's ears.

Speaker 2:

I'll put it back out, but anything that just you in the day and you're just feeling so grateful and happy to be alive and I feel like I've had so much of that lately so that's beautiful. Do you have a?

Speaker 1:

one in your profile. No, I'm a two four, okay, you're a two four. Okay, well, you know mine. I don't know yours. Obviously Not that I know what a two four is, but I do know what a four. Am I a four? What am I? Am I a one four? I am a one four.

Speaker 2:

I should have yours pulled up. I always say, thinking You're good, you're good. Well, I love that answer.

Speaker 1:

And you know, like when we met, not many things were well. A lot was turning you on, but it was just not the right energy and you so very courageously left what no longer served you and courageously is one way to put it.

Speaker 2:

That was terrifying.

Speaker 1:

It was terrifying, terrifying, but you did it. I did do it. Yeah, you did it, and I'm always proud of you and I've always seen the magic in you and I knew that you're going to land on your feet. So tell us a little bit about that journey before we dive into human design.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So can I just start with how I got connected with you? Is that Absolutely yeah? So I have a friend who is a psychic medium, astrologer, and she told for me that I needed to do some money healing. And it's like, well, how the heck do I do that? And she's like, well, you know, I've got a couple of people I could, like you know, send you to. But she's like I just I really want you to feel out who's right for you, because she knows I'm a reflector. And I was like, okay, let's see where that goes. And then she is friends with somebody who Kath, kathie, kathie.

Speaker 1:

Kathie is more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, Friends connected to her somehow. I don't even know who she is, but she had had a podcast and I started following her on Instagram because of my friend who is friends with her and she just like happened to post that popped up at the top of my Instagram feed this podcast interview that she did with you save a million cents, and it was. I don't even remember what the theme of the podcast was, but you were talking about healing money wounds and I was like, okay, well, putting this money person in front of me and my friend Stephie told me that I need some money healing. So like, let's check this out. And the whole time that you were talking on that podcast, just about how you do money differently, I was like this is exactly where I'm at in life and this is how I view things and this is kind of my take on money and where I want to be. So like, let's check this out further.

Speaker 2:

So I took your archetype quiz and then we had the little clarity call and I signed up for the coaching program and inside of that I made leaps and bounds and terrified myself, but did amazing things to get on the other side. Terrified myself. It was scary. He's over the stage that we talked about and like getting honest about, and then the action was like holy crap, I did that. In what 12 weeks? I think it was 12 weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

You did leap, didn't you? Like that's amazing, like the things that you did. You were in such a secure, secure quote. You know, quotation marks, air quotation marks, secure job. That wasn't making you happy. I mean, it made you happy at some point.

Speaker 2:

Let's just assume that made me happy to have the securing Securing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean, do you agree that once you know what your mission in life is, everything else tastes like bland crackers? Yep.

Speaker 2:

It's like, no matter what, anytime you're doing something, like you're expending your energy on something that doesn't feel purposeful, you literally can't stop thinking I'm never getting that time back. I'm never getting that time back. I'm not helping people the way I want to help people. So yeah, yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So when I was in my secure job and it was awesome and I had such a nice community and all of that, and then the glass shattered, I'm like, oh shit, I need to be doing that. Nothing tasted the same anymore, nothing. I was like, okay, I gotta move on. And it was very scary for me when I made that leap in 2016. So, oh my God, time's flying. It was fast, yes, it was very fast. So why human design? I mean, oh, come on, you all know, it's fucking awesome.

Speaker 2:

Like answer that question and understand it. Oh gosh For me personally. When I found it I didn't know what it was. I thought it looked kind of like cultish. I was like what is this graph with all these like shapes and numbers? Like it was weird. It looked really weird. Oh, of course, but there's.

Speaker 1:

I had person with no arms and no legs just like hanging there Just being like well Body looking thing Like, especially because mine didn't have any color.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but my intuition told me like there's something else here, like keep going. So I did a little bit more digging and luckily I found it through like a Facebook group that I was part of that was like a spiritual community, and so the people that knew where it were were kind of guiding me towards resources and, like your reflector, that's really rare Like you have to look into this, it's going to change your life and keep going. So I started to do. I did probably like a year's worth of just self study, finding people on social media and on the internet blogs, websites, whatever people that I really resonated with, how they shared it and listened to all the podcasts, read as much as I could. There's like a human design textbook, essentially by the person who downloaded the whole system, and I read that front to cover and then honestly, probably front to cover like three times between all the referencing that I did.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine it would have been complicated if it was raw? It was raw.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, linda Bonnell also was in there, so she I feel like she grounded it a little bit better, but it did give a really good like taste of this is what human design is like at its core. This is the raw material, and then you kind of get to decipher it for yourself how you want to see it. And then that's how, when I was out there searching for other people who could maybe teach me a little bit better, I found my mentors and I found the people that I wanted to learn from, and then I started taking certification. So I took one online it was. I did level two. Now I believe she's up to level four or five now that you can take, but I went through her first two levels and I was like I don't think this is for me.

Speaker 2:

And then the girls that I resonated with the most had just decided to host their first training and they did it in person and they recorded the whole thing, and now it's offered online. But I did the in person and it was amazing, and so that was probably a little over like a two year journey to getting to that point of like self study, diving in, understanding myself, practicing it myself, then knowing deeply. This needs to be shared. People need this and I want to be someone who gets to share it. So then deciding to take the certifications, to invest in myself, to learn more and to be able to teach it in a way that people would understand it, so that they could take something away from it and then go practice it in their daily life. And now I have a whole side business that is just continuing to grow and morph and change and just really expand my wildest dreams for it, and I love it. And here we are.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and just highlighting a few things from what you shared, is that you worked on healing your money wounds and obviously it's not like, okay, I'm healed now, take moving on. It's just an ongoing thing.

Speaker 2:

I asked you. You have to add to that that. I think before I started your container, before I started your program, I kind of thought that that's what it would be like okay, 12 weeks of like, really hard, I'm going to get through it. And like, oh, then I'm going to attract all this money and I'm manifesting all this money and all my problems will be solved, and it's like, no, it is not going all and any other healing journey, exactly like any other healing journey.

Speaker 1:

And they say it and it's true. Another level, another level, another devil. Right, like the day, like the, my biggest months in business. Like when I would do like 10, 15k days are actually the most dysregulating days for me, right, even with all the money healing that I've done that like abundance, sudden abundance, needed more healing and I never expected that. And people don't talk about like when you are in that in point B and you are in that abundance stage you actually need to do more healing so that your nervous system actually can take that much abundance and not self sabotage.

Speaker 1:

But what you had said, and what kind of ties back to what I said, is that you healed your money wounds right. You started that journey and it started off really intensely and well. But also what happened was that you were not scared of investing in yourself, meaning all of this was because you had a message and it needed to be said from your perspective, in your version of it. And inhaling these money wounds and investing in yourself and putting yourself out there, you are benefiting the people that are around you that need to listen to your message.

Speaker 1:

I have had a reading with you and it's like no other and I'm like a human design reading junkie and I wouldn't do it with anyone else. To be honest, you're so fucking good at it. It's like it was, it's like you created it. Of course you know you did it, but it just feels like you've embodied it so much and so well that you know it's just such a beautiful example of like we get out of our own way and we heal our money wounds not because I just want to be abandoned and buy all these things, yes, and it's for the others around us, it's for our message and our mission and our purpose to spread in a way where we are spreading that, as opposed to more wounding right, and it's what you said kind of made me giggle a little bit, because this breathwork and meditation certification that I'm working on right now.

Speaker 2:

I followed my authority, which, in human design for anyone listening if you don't know what your authority is it's the way that you're meant to make really big decisions and I trusted that, even though I was like I don't know how I'm gonna use this in human design. I don't know why I'm so drawn to this, but my authority led me here and that's like my deepest intuition and I trust that. So I'm gonna go for it. I didn't have the money for it at the time that I signed up, but I knew and I trusted that it would all work out. And here we are halfway through the certification and I am just fine I'm not interested or anything like that from taking the certification and it's like the universe is gonna show up for you when you show up for yourself.

Speaker 2:

The more you use, the deeper that you go. It's gonna show up on a deeper level too, and I'm also starting to kind of have this understanding that we are all always abundant at our highest points and at our lowest points, whether it's like you just have to focus on the oxygen that you are breathing in and out and how it's the form of abundance, or you just had a $100,000 a month in your business, whatever it is, we all have things that we can focus on that are abundant. So anytime you're in that lack mindset it's like but what actually for you right now that's actually so abundant and so huge? And that's what I need to focus on, rather than what I don't have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean exactly what you said in in my containers. When I'm doing group coaching these days, I just the first exercise is can we be present? Because abundance happens in the present moment. It's like you're asking me for something and I go and buy it for you and I knock on your door and you're not home. You know, that is how I like being present in the abundant, present moment. That is the first step to receiving abundance. But the other thing is, like with healing money wounds, to be open to abundance.

Speaker 1:

The way I see is that I'm peeling off layers because you are innately inside, worthy and abundant. It's just like these protective layers that you had to put around you. That's what we're peeling, safely, obviously, because you don't become abundant when you work with me or you do any of this work. You just become you and you peel off a layer of wounding. That's what all we're doing like. We're all abundant, right, and the universe will meet you where you, where you're at, not halfway.

Speaker 1:

And another thing is that sometimes, when, when people go into debt, sometimes the debt is their teacher, right. So sometimes I have clients that are like, oh, I have to do this, but I have to go into debt, like whether it's my program or something else it's. Or people see me because of their debt and in the end they're like I'm so grateful for my debt, otherwise I wouldn't have looked at myself so freaking deeply, and I think that's what that's. What my soul needed is to put me in so much pain because the debt for them was painful that they had to seek it this way. So it's all a lesson in all of that.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I love that. We are all exactly where we're meant to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree can we please talk about human?

Speaker 2:

design, throwing in little like tidbits, and we're teasing people.

Speaker 1:

But yes, let's go so let's just assume that people kind of are interested in it. I'm curious, but unsure. Let's just assume that. Okay, not nerds like I am like to be honest. To be honest, if, if I were given I don't know more time in my day, I would ditch everything instead of human design. This is how much I fucking love. It worth that fully. So tell us what the hell is human design.

Speaker 2:

What is the best way to say it? In the least amount of time? The best thing ever? Yeah, best thing ever. I will agree with that. But it's actually.

Speaker 2:

It is this very beautiful combination of spirituality and science that melds together to give you this very unique to you blueprint of how your energy works, so kind of like we talked about our excuse how to make big decisions, and where you have energy that consistently shows up for you, or where you take in energy from other people and feel that as your own, the different pieces to your personality, your inherent gifts and talents, the way that other people feel your energy.

Speaker 2:

There are so many things that we can dive into with human design and it is such a layered modality like we always start with these big pieces called your strategy and authority, which your strategy is essentially this practice that you can do day in and day out to kind of cultivate the right opportunities to you for you.

Speaker 2:

Your authority, like I mentioned before, is the way that you are meant to make big decisions, somewhere in your body that you can always trust to make a big decision, and then from there we get really, really layered. We can talk about the diet that is most correct for your brain and your learning and your energy. We can get into like what intrinsically motivates you, like I'm a hope motivated person in human design, so I'm just meant to consistently hope that there's something better out there in a nutshell, but it gets really, really layered. But the most important thing is learning those bigger, chunkier pieces first, because once you start practicing those and you trust those and you're constantly relying on them, everything else is gonna fall into a place so that you can just be your most aligned highest self and not have to worry about what all the different things in your chart mean, because they're just naturally happening, because you're trusting your intuition and you're trusting your higher self and well, boy, oh boy, how life goes gets so floatier after that, with the little that I knew.

Speaker 1:

So I got into human design in 2020, beginning of 2020, and just by knowing the little that I knew, just by following a few people and doing my own research, my goodness, everything changed. But the deeper I go into it, the more things make sense, like even up, and like as deep as what I post and how I post on Instagram and what I share on my podcast, like we. You and I talked about that a lot. So what are the?

Speaker 2:

five types.

Speaker 2:

Five types. Yes, when you generate your human design chart, which maybe you can put like in your show notes. If people wanna be up there charts, it's free. Which one do you like? Jovian Archive is like the original, like raw, or whose site that people have read on since he passed away, so it's a good one to start with. It gives you the minimal information, so if you're a beginner, it's a great place to start without getting super overwhelmed.

Speaker 2:

My mentors, dana and Shayna Dayluna. They have their own on their website. That gives you a lot more layered information. I would suggest either of those. There's also my body graph. There's my human design with Jenna Zoe. There's tons of good ones.

Speaker 2:

But, yes, when you generate your chart one of the very first things that you're gonna see after you actually look at your chart once you like, read the words that are with the weird shapes and numbers and things you're gonna be one of five types and your type is just essentially how your overall energy is interacting with the world around you, and each type has a specific strategy, like I mentioned earlier, that they can practice to cultivate the right opportunities for them. And so, again, five types. You're going to either be a generator, a manifester, a manifesting generator, a projector or a reflector? I'm a reflector, nadine is a manifesting generator and I know all the types in between, so to just kind of dive in and give like a little tidbit on each one, we'll start with manifestors. Manifestors are a little bit more rare. They're only like eight-ish percent of the population and they are people who are here to be really impactful and inspiring to other people. They have this strategy of informing. So everything that they think of, everything that they're feeling, everything they're doing, they're wanting, what they need help with, they're meant to say that out loud so that other people can be initiated or sparked by their words to go out and do things. So manifestors are kind of the people that are like sprinkling opportunities out there for us to decide that we love and we want to spend our energy on. There's so much more to say about them, but in a nutshell, that's a manifester.

Speaker 2:

And then a generator is somebody who is here to just use their energy doing the things that they love. And I tell generators all the time when they're newbies like I know that that sounds so cliche, but when you allow yourself to pour your energy into the things that you love. You're literally generating. That's where your name comes from. You're creating this life force, energy that's just like spurting out of you that the rest of us get to kind of pick up on and feel into, and feel that excitement to go do what we want to do, the things that we love. And generators are like the most common type they're about 36, 37% of the population. And then we have manifesting generators like you, hello, and they are the only of the five types that are a hybrid of two other types, and they're about 33, 35, somewhere in their percent of the population.

Speaker 2:

They're, not surprisingly, a combination of the manifester and the generator, as given away by their name, and they are most similar to the generators where they are here to use their energy on the things that they love. They're meant to pour their energy into the things that they love, but the difference is that a generator is gonna find what they love and they're just gonna like stick with it. I love this thing and I'm gonna do it for a really long time, until the day that I die, until this thing is completed that's what you told me and then a band-gen is going to want to do all the things, like right now I love this and I love this. I'm gonna do it. And then tomorrow it bores me and it's not lighting me up anymore, so I'm gonna say no, I'm gonna walk away from it and I'm gonna turn to this thing that's lighting me up and then when that gets boring, I'm gonna switch to the next thing and maybe I eventually go back to the original thing.

Speaker 2:

But they're just somebody that gets to show us how juicy and fun life can be when you just give into what your body wants you to do, all the things and you don't force yourself to stick with it or see it through to completion. You just allow yourself to do all the things. And so they're so fun to be around when they're aligned because they have all this energy when they're aligned. When they're aligned key word I know a lot of the indents in my life who are not necessarily aligned and their energy is like ooh, okay, maybe not healthy today. Yeah, so fun, just love them. Love them so much. Got so many of them. I think it was one of my mentors who once said like I just imagine man-jins being like these people who are like cartwheeling down a hill and there's like rainbows and stars shooting out of their feet and like the best way to describe them. They're just so full of life and energy and doing all the things when they're aligned.

Speaker 1:

When they're aligned. That's the key part. I do have days when I'm not aligned. I'm like mm-mm With your.

Speaker 2:

I'm not cartwheeling today. You're aware of it, though, and I feel like that's like the most important thing. Okay, moving on to projectors Projectors are somewhere around 20 to 22% of the population. Projectors are really special. All of the types are really special, so I was gonna like cut myself off from saying that, because all types are special.

Speaker 2:

Projectors are these very unique beings that they're here not to show us what they can do, not to prove what they can do with their energy, but rather to show us how they see things differently. They have this different viewpoint on life, on people, on projects, on systems, that it's really easy for them to see, like what's working, what's not working, what really simple thing could we tweak to make it better, to make it more efficient? And they have this really unique way of like whatever it is that they are fascinated and intrigued by. If they pour their time and energy into that thing, people are going to see them for their gifts, see them for what they see, and they're gonna naturally be drawn to them for their guidance, for their support, but they have this part of their aura that's like feels a little pushy, feels a little bossy, feels a little know it all-ish if they're not waiting for people to come to them. So projectors are really here to notice and tune into what they see, but wait for people to come to them before they give us that wisdom and that guidance that they have from what they see. I agree, they're very, very special. I feel like I could talk about projectors literally all day long and there's so many amazing projectors in my life that I've just kind of been like sitting back and observing and studying. So maybe that's why I feel like I could talk about them all day. But they're very special, very, very special. And there's actually three different types of projectors within human design, which is something that's a little bit more layered that we'd get into in a one-on-one. But, yes, just very special beings.

Speaker 2:

And then, of course, there's the reflectors. We're only 1% of the population, we're rare little unicorns people like to call us in the human design world, and we are here to be mirrors, to be these gauges of how the rest of the world is doing. What's the health level? What's the alignment level? Are we authentic or not? Are we healthy or not energetically?

Speaker 2:

So when we are around another person or group of people or in an environment, we are incredibly well, we're incredibly sensitive all the time, but when we're around someone else, we are feeling their energy in a way that it feels like it's our own and we're actually feeling it in an amplified way. So we're feeling their energy bigger than they feel it. So it's really easy for us to discern is this person in alignment? Are they authentic? Are they healthy or not? Is it the right time for them?

Speaker 2:

And we are meant to express that to the world around us so that people know how we're doing as a collective. Like right now, this reflector is really sick and unhealthy and not doing well, so that tells the rest of the world, the people in their life, something's wrong in the environment that they're in, the people that they're spending time with aren't in energetic alignment or aren't healthy for them in the moment. What can we change? How can we do better so that our reflector feels good? Because when the reflector is thriving and feels like life is juicy and flowing, that means all the people and environments around them are also in alignment and healthy and juicy and flowing.

Speaker 1:

Got it. Do you know I have more reflectors in my life than projectors. Really, I know I collect y'all.

Speaker 2:

My brother had a conversation with a friend that I met at the training and at the training that we were on. She'd never met a reflector before and she just thought it was fascinating. And she's a generator, she's just such a light. But the other day she was telling me how somebody at her work is a reflector and she was so excited about it and honestly, at this point I attract so many reflectors that it's not even a shock to me anymore. When I see a chart that they're a reflector I'm like, oh, it makes sense that they found me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hire reflectors on purpose. My brother is a reflector. Oh well, I know he listens and he doesn't know what that means. So if you want a session with Kristen, I mean I can shout you one, no worries that email. So if we were to liken this as a village, what would it look like?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, oh well, it's very.

Speaker 1:

Let's say we have a village made of five people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it is yeah. So your reflectors are going to be the people who are in the center of it all. The whole village is looking to them to see like, are we doing? Ok, what can we tweak to make things healthier, more authentic, more aligned? They're always in the center, they're never pushed to the side, they're never being told they're too sensitive, right, they're always being in the center, being looked towards.

Speaker 2:

The projectors are the people who are making everything more efficient. They're tweaking things, making it so that, like all this task that's taking us a week, let's just change it to do it this way and it'll actually only take us a day. Let's do it that way, Right. But they're not forcing that wisdom on everyone else. They're just kind of taking their time to dive into the things that they love and are fascinated by, and they're resting and they're not expending too much energy and when their guidance is needed, people can go to them and know that they're going to receive what they need to receive, and the projector then gets to feel really seen and included. And then the manifestors are the ones that they're downloading all of these urges which, again, if you had a session or if you know about human design. You've heard of manifestor urges. They're downloading all these urges of like oh, I need to go do this thing. But rather than just like going and doing it, Going in themselves, yeah, being alone in this new path of pursuing this urge, they're going to talk about it. They're literally going to use their voice to inform the village, Like I had this come to me and we did this and this and this and created this. And then other people start coming on board and they're like, oh well, I can do this part of it. I know this person that could help us do this. And then some manifestors are giving us the opportunity to make a better village, a better tribe, Right.

Speaker 2:

And then we have the generators and the man-gen's who. They have that consistent life force, energy, because they have that defined sacred center. So they are the ones. Do yourself. Do yourself, honey, Do this thing. This is what I want to do and I'm going to pour my energy into these generators. They're going to find that thing. That's like this is what I'm doing for the rest of my life.

Speaker 2:

I love it so much and I'm going to make it as perfect as it can be, Like I'm going to commit myself to making this the best it can be, where the man-gen's are going to be like.

Speaker 2:

I want to do this for a little bit. Ooh, I want to do this now because that sounds more exciting and, oh, that's boring me. I might come back to it, but right now I'm going to pour my energy into this thing, but they're going to let us know, they're going to keep us up to speed with what they're doing, so we're not feeling like whiplashed by them and by doing that, we're all feeling very like cyclical, Like we're all aligned together and everything is just like going so smoothly. It sounds like a healthy community. We love each other for all of those gifts and talents and things that make us unique, rather than being like, oh you're different than me and you make decisions this way and you use your energy this way. Well, we can't be friends, we can't work together. We just honor each other. That's what it would look like in a village.

Speaker 1:

In a village, a community. So what I find and it's very interesting and it happens a lot is that when people start working with me, they're burnt out and they're like so it's very obvious, when they're burnt out, their money habits go. You know, not great. So the reason for the money habits is like the unwanted money habits is that they're burnt out, they're tired, they don't have the willpower to follow through. But there's often more layers. But one of the layers that we find is that they are a projector or a reflector operating in a generator world.

Speaker 1:

Because I know, probably because the majority is generators and manifesting generators, our world is expected to operate as generators. Do, do, do unlimited energy. And then I would tell them go check your human design. I don't think that you're supposed to operate like that. And it's such a revelation and like a validation and all of that for them. I'm like, oh, I'm not even supposed to do all that. I'm a projector, you know. It's such a relief and then they're operating from a completely different energy. But it's like I feel the world is expecting all of us to be generators. I don't know, do you have the same impression?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we are definitely conditioned to have a defined sacral center. So again for the listeners who don't know what that is in human design there's nine different centers that govern a unique part of our body and the sacral center is our life force energy, that energy that we have to go and do. And generators and manifesting generators they have a defined sacral center, which means they have this consistent life force energy that they can rely on. Every day they wake up with a full battery of energy to go and do, but they're only meant to use that energy on the things that they love. So even generators and man-jens are conditioned to use that sacral energy because they have it, rather than to do the things that they love.

Speaker 2:

But manifestors and projectors and reflectors they have an undefined sacral center, which means that they don't have consistent life force energy that they can rely on constantly, consistently, throughout the day. They pick it up and they feel the sacral energy from the generators and the man-jens and they can use that to fuel themselves, to go do something, to get a project done, whatever it is. But there's such a theme for rest for projectors and reflectors and manifestors, and rest for each of those three types is so different. That is something that we would talk about again in a one-on-one is how you're meant to rest right and how you can use rest to make you more abundant, to make you more productive, to make you more aligned. But yes, and in that shell, we are all conditioned to be generators and man-jens. But then generators and man-jens are conditioned to just show up because they have energy. It doesn't matter if you love this thing, you're using it on, just do it, have the energy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. So I've always jokingly not so jokingly thought about one day creating a money course just for man-jens, because we, like you said, we love multiple things, we're multi-hyphenated, multi-passionate, and it is okay for us. I used to think that I was flaky when I was like I'm so excited about that thing and then I'm like I'm no longer excited about that thing. You know, I did burlesque and I no longer got excited about burlesque. I did circus and then after three years I'm like I'm no longer excited about circus. Now I'm like ah, so it's like I pick up and drop projects and knowing that this is normal and even expected and that's how I'm supposed to function made me feel so much better about life, to be honest. But because I'm so multi-passionate and I get a lot of man-jens into my coaching programs and I find that we because I use the bucket system, as you know, and I'm like man-jens need more buckets.

Speaker 2:

We need more buckets, right, A bucket plan for the next thing that's gonna let you.

Speaker 1:

You don't even know what it is yet, but when you respond to it, the money's gonna be there, Because once we respond to something, it happens like this Once it's a yes for me, things just line up right, Like just having the man-jen bucket. That's why I'm like, oh, we need a separate money program. But apart from that, joke, not joke. But how do you, from your perspective, see people deal with money? Or how do you see money differently for every type? Like what can you talk about? Just the connection of all of this to money, abundance, money wounds, all of that stuff.

Speaker 2:

So the number one thing Besides deconditioning right, like, deconditioning is a word in the spiritual world, in the non-spiritual world conditioning, deconditioning. How are we trained to be something that we're not and how can we kind of unlearn or untrain ourselves from those things? Yes, that's number one. But then that leads into this idea that you're constantly making your mind go on overdrive to make decisions, especially around money. Do I have enough money in my account to afford this thing? Does it make sense for me to buy this thing? What will other people think if I buy this? Will they think that I'm greedy? Will they think that I'm wasting money? Will they think I'm being too showy?

Speaker 2:

And we get really in our heads about, like, how we should be spending money, why we should be spending money, what we should be spending it on, when human design is actually gonna give us this really beautiful, deep intuition. It's just gonna say, if you tune into this part of your body and you learn how to listen to it and you learn how to trust it, you're going to know whether or not you should make that decision or spend money on that thing. So there's eight different. This is where essentially getting into authorities, but I feel like for any of the types, as long as you trust and honor and practice using your decision-making authority and your authority leads you to spending money on something, you can trust that you were meant to spend money on that thing, absolutely yeah, and I 100% trust my authority and even before I knew it was my authority, I trusted it and I spent money on.

Speaker 1:

I have a sacral authority and hopefully we'll get into that in a minute but every single time I spend money listening to my authority. Even if it wasn't, if it didn't give the outcome that I expected to, it gave me the lesson that I needed or the evolution that my soul needed. So to me, I feel like my soul speaks to me through my sacral and I'm really lucky because it's just yes and no and it's very obvious. I don't know how people do with the emotional authority. Oh, that sounds very complicated, but let's talk about authority Because, yeah, it's a really good way to go. I think you can think of it.

Speaker 2:

Let's go so again. Authority is, in human design, the way in which you are designed to make really big decisions and you are the only person who gets to decide what a big decision is for you. So if everyone else in your life is like this is not a big deal, like what's your problem, just like pick something, but you feel like it's big and impactful to you, that's a big decision for you and you're meant to use your authority. So everybody has an authority in human design and there's eight different authorities. Generators and man-gens can have either emotional authority or sacral authority, and emotional authority projectors and manifestors can have that as well. But emotional authority essentially just me and set. You have this emotional wave that's constantly running in the background of your energy. It's making you feel really really high, like excited, happy, whatever it is. Or it's making you feel really really low down, bluesy, sad, upset. Or you're just kind of feeling neutral, like cool, calm, collected, and you're constantly like riding this wave up down, neutral, up down, neutral, and you are meant to wait to be on a neutral place on your wave before you make a big decision, and the decision is really meant to be based on like will this make me happy Because if you were presented with this really big decision and you were on a low, you're going to be like, oh no, of course I don't want to do that. That's a terrible idea. Why would you ask me that? But then the decision comes around and you're like, oh my god, why did I say no to that? That would have been a really great opportunity for me. That would have made me so happy.

Speaker 2:

It's because you didn't ride out your wave and wait till neutral to make the decision, to really tune into will this make me happy? So that's in a nutshell. I mean there's four different waves that you can have. There's so much we could talk about with emotional authority, but basically, if you have emotional authority, you're just tuning into your unique emotional wave to determine whether or not the decision will make you happy. And then, if you have sacral authority, which is what Nadine has, it's really just about being very present and noticing physically what is in front of your body and does your body want it? Your sacral center will give you an immediate yes or no reaction. You might want that yes, that gut reaction. You're going to hear those sacral noises come out like mm or ooh or, if it's enough, like ugh gross.

Speaker 1:

It's like thumbs up my podcast. I'm either mm or you.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited with generators and man-juns. I feel like I'm always making those noises, even if it's just to help them make them themselves, and you're hearing your truth come out. So it's so perfect. Yes, so then, from there, we have splenic authority, and so this can be an authority that either projectors or manifestors have, and this is all about intuition, instincts. So, in the moment when a big decision is presented to you, if you have splenic authority, it's going to be like that thing is right for me or that thing is wrong for me. And you just know, it is just this clear, knowing that you can't explain by science, you can't explain it from your mind. It's just like I trust and I know that this thing is right for me or this thing is wrong for me.

Speaker 1:

How is that different to sacral?

Speaker 2:

So the sacral is like this gut reaction, like this physical feeling in your gut of like, ooh, I'm being drawn towards this thing, or like, ooh, it's pushing me away, where splenic is more of just like this instant knowing of like that's right for me I can't explain it, I just know it or it's wrong. I can't explain it. Got it OK. And then from there we're going to get into some of the more rare authorities. So there is ego projected and ego manifested. So if you're a projector, you'd have ego projected. If you're a manifest, or you could have ego manifested. And so ego projected is just like, literally, does this decision, will this decision serve me, will it benefit my life? And you make the decision based on that. Will it serve me? And then, as a manifest, it's the same thing, but you're meant to use your voice to talk about it, to say out loud how it will or won't serve you, to help you make that decision. So those are a little bit more rare as well. And then we also have self-projected authority, which only projectors can have. And this is literally you need to hear your own voice telling you if this opportunity, if this big decision, is going to get you closer to like your life purpose, your life direction. So when a big decision is presented to you, you're meant to just talk about it out loud, whether or not you want to make that decision. Because if you get in your mind and try to figure it out without talking about it, if you have this authority, your thoughts are just going to get really jumbled and you're not going to be able to understand them until you say it out loud. And as soon as you hear yourself talk about it, you're going to be like oh, I know what's right for me to do or not. And then we have mental or environmental authority, which is, again, only projectors. Like I said, there's three different kind of projectors, so there's a lot of authorities they can have. But mental authority this is the only one that uses the mind in any sort of way, but it's still focusing on the body. So, mental projectors, if they have mental or environmental authority, if you're a projector and you're on Jovian Archive and you have mental or environmental authority, it's going to say no in your authority. But that means you have mental, environmental. And so this just means that you're going to take in and consider all the facts, the knowledge around the decision, around the situation that you're in. You're going to consider them, you're going to have them there, but then you're going to go spend time in an environment that feels really good to you and clarity will naturally come. It will just be like this whole body knowing of what you're meant to do, because you've gathered, considered all the data, all the facts, all the knowledge that's there mentally and you let that sit there and you let it simmer, but then you allow yourself to go spend time somewhere in your body that feels good to get that clarity. So it's still about your body, even though you are using your mind a little bit to make decisions.

Speaker 2:

And then, finally, we have lunar authority, which is only reflectors have this, all reflectors have this authority. And so something I didn't mention before was that manifestors, generators, manjins and projectors are all considered solar beings. They're very connected to the sun, whereas reflectors were lunar beings. They're very connected and affected by the moon and so, as a lunar being, as a reflector, having lunar authority. Long story short, the movement is going to transit our human design body graph, all the different gates which are these little tiny lines coming out of the centers in our body graph, and so there's 64 of them. The moon is going to move as it moves and it's 28 and a half day cycle. In that 28 and a half day cycle it's going to light up or illuminate every single different gate inside the human design body graph. And when it does that, the reflector is then feeling all the different connections that the moon is making to the gates that they already have. And then it's then essentially making different authorities. In one day's time I might have emotional authority for a little bit and then have secret authority, and so as I let the moon transit all of those gates throughout 28 and a half-ish days, I'm going to feel through all these different authorities and feel through all these different energies.

Speaker 2:

And after 28 and a half days, after a full lunar cycle, I'm going to have complete, deep clarity in my whole body. Just this knowing of this thing is right for me or this thing is not right for me. From personal experience as a reflector, it's more of that after that lunar cycle or even a little bit more time. Sometimes one full lunar cycle isn't quite enough for clarity. It is just this, it hits you, this full body vibration almost of like this is right for me, this is meant for me. I need to do this. Usually for me, when it's a no, it's just something that falls off. I'm not even considering it anymore because it's not right for me. But the things that are right, that are yeses, it's just this full body. Yes, this is meant for me and I'm going to do it. I can give you so many, many examples of how that has showed up in my life, but it's something that you really have to be a reflector to experience, because it's very unique.

Speaker 1:

I'm really glad. I wonder if so. I struggle with patience, I'm pretty impatient and I'm really hearing all of this. I'm really glad that I have a stateful authority, because it's a yes or a no and it's instantaneous. But I wonder if I am impatient because of that. I'm like I'm glad because I'm impatient. I'm like am I impatient because I just know and I just expect people to know, like I know? Luckily, my partner is a stateful authority. So we're very like yes, no, yes, no, it's very quick in the house and Arby's like I think I'm a reflector. You all, can you go slow? I'm pretty sure Arby's either a projector or reflector. This is something about her behaviors.

Speaker 2:

I'm like oh there you go, I don't know her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, projector, she likes her rest, for sure she does, even when, as a puppy, she would just sleep for hours and hours. So I would say projector.

Speaker 2:

I would say projector because I feel like she's kind of made you look at things in a different way. Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yes. I love that we decided that Arby's a projector. I don't have a birthday.

Speaker 2:

What's Cooper Cooper? I don't have his exact time, but based on location and day, he is a generator which tracks, say. A generator Like this is a yes for me. This is a no for me. I'm going to do only what I love, which is sleeping and staying with Keegan, my husband, and chewing on my antlers. I like the three things that he loves and everything else is a no.

Speaker 1:

So oh, that's so good. So you kind of hinted at it in the beginning and I'm kind of curious how the heck are you combining breath work with human design?

Speaker 2:

Tell us. So this was one of those things that I just used my authority on. It was literally I've been intrigued by it for a really long time. I've always loved breath work, but I always thought there's something else out there with breath work that, like, I need to be doing for myself, because I have all these people in my life that do breath work that I can go receive breath work practices from, but it's something's missing. And so there was literally just one night where it was like, ok, just go look it up, like go check out the people that you're following, whatever. So I started looking on Instagram. I first went to the people that I already followed, looked at some other places, and there was one girl that I've been following for a really long time that on the day that I looked, they just released their wait list for their next cohort, and I was like, oh, put me on there.

Speaker 2:

And so, from there, that was like the start of my decision making, my lunar authority. So I was like, ok, we're going to see how I feel in a lunar cycle from now twenty, eight and a half, twenty and a half days approximately. And there was times throughout that month where it was a yes, it was a no, it was an early no, maybe later. And I just kind of let myself feel that. And then you know, literally on the day, that it was a clear cut like full body, no questions. It was a yes. That was the day that the doors open to the program. Like wait list is done, doors are open, you sign up, yeah, so there's another sign right there.

Speaker 2:

And then I had kind of talked to her a little bit about like I don't know what I'm going to do with this. I know I want more for my human design business. I know I want to keep growing it. I have no idea what I'm going to do with human design. And she loves human design, she's a projector and she was like I can't wait to see like how you connect the two. And ever since starting we're almost halfway through and since starting it's been like she'll teach us the science of it and it's like this connects to human design in this way. And then she'll talk about one of the spirituality components, like that connects to human design, like this.

Speaker 2:

And then we did like a feminine practice and a masculine practice, like really instigating either of those energies in your own body. And I was just realizing how many of my clients that were in a higher low expression of a gate, a gift that they have in human design, and it's like you could use this breathwork practice to get into the high expression or to help yourself tap into balance in things like that and so many different things, with abundance and magnetism and just like honoring your highest, truest, most authentic self through breathwork. And so something that I know that I'm going to do is, if not monthly, bimonthly or at least quarterly, just workshops. Unlike this is a theme that I see showing up, like in life and astrology with my clients, and we're going to do a breathwork practice and meditation and journaling and a whole workshop around it. So, yeah, there's going to be a lot of ways that they tie together and I'm really excited to do more. Yeah, you do have something coming up. Yes, august 7th it's a Monday night, 7 pm. Let's be clear this is 2023.

Speaker 1:

I hate it when I listen to a podcast and I'm like what year is this? Okay, so say that again August 7th, august 7th 2023.

Speaker 2:

7 pm, central. I am hosting a workshop that's going to do. Of course, we're going to talk about human design. You're going to get a little. The theme is abundance, so you'll get a little tidbit from your specific chart on how you can lean into attracting more abundance into your life. We're going to do journaling, we're going to do breathwork, we're going to do meditation, and then we'll kind of end with just like a recap of everyone who's there. What did you learn about yourself? What message did you download? So I'm really excited. I can't wait. I think what's one of the? This came to me in a breathwork practice of like how I can help people through breathwork and human design, and I made it super affordable because I know there's so many people out there who are like I want to just like dip my toes in and I want to do a little bit of my human design, but then I'm also giving them this really powerful tool that they can take into their daily life and practice as well. So $11. Come join us. Wow, that's really okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm like money coach. Hat is coming on Like nope, that sounds awesome. And yeah, give me the link so I can pop it in, because this is coming out soon and you know I'm working. People find you because you are a well of knowledge and I kind of want to be like when is my next session with her? And I'm sure everybody out there is like where can we book her? Tell us more about what it looks like to work with you and where to find you and all the yummy stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so into your reflector fashion. I am somebody that it's always shifting and flowing and changing depending on me and my energy. But you can always sign up for a one on one with me. I'm going to start offering these group workshops with breathwork, meditation, all the things, as long as they feel good. I do a PDF that you can order for your child's human design. I make these really cool. Essential oils are called embodied energy blends. Where I look at your human design chart, I pick out energies that are like stand out really big, important energies in your chart. I match those to an energy of an essential oil and I create a unique blend for you and then that comes with mantras that you can use while you're using the blend. I do partner sessions, I do family sessions. I, within the next year, will be offering reflector coaching for sure. So, yeah, there's a lot, there's a lot going on, but right now it's it's all on Instagram, which is authentically underscore, limitless, oh thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure I'm just going to go back and call this part one. There's so much to talk about and I'm very proud of you and I'm very, very, very, very, very, very excited about all the things that you're putting out into the world. The world needs your energy. It's just so special, thank you. Thank you for having me. So, of course, of course, I've been wanting. You've been on my, you know, wish list for guests since I started this podcast. So there you go. Yay, this is awesome for me. So thank you everyone for tuning in and let us know what your thoughts are and what your human design is. And the cool thing is that your authority will come up once you, you know, run your numbers. You need your birthday, your exact birth time, your birth city, town and all that stuff. So you need this information. So go and ask your parents when you were born, what time, and then go and get your human design and get cracking, because it'll change your life. Thank you so much and I hope to see you next time.

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