UnF*ck Your Money

Receiving Intuitive Messages w/ Erin Rogers

August 29, 2023 Nadine Zumot
Receiving Intuitive Messages w/ Erin Rogers
UnF*ck Your Money
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UnF*ck Your Money
Receiving Intuitive Messages w/ Erin Rogers
Aug 29, 2023
Nadine Zumot

Have you ever felt an uncanny pull towards a decision that seems illogical, only to discover it was the best choice you could have ever made?

Welcome to the enchanting world of intuition and spirit guides!

In my conversation with Erin Rogers, my personal Intuitive Mentor & Channel, we navigate through the terrain our innate, intuitive wisdom and its deep ties with our personal traumas and healing.

I also (bravely! lol) share an intimate account of my connection with my Spirit Team!!

Erin and I also chat about astro-cartography, a branch of astrology that offered me insights on why I gravitated towards certain countries or cities throughout my life.

Erin shares her personal journey of , going from 15 years of working in the corporate world, to finally surrendering to her intuition and making the boldest move of her life!

Did you know that the unseen world communicates with us in myriad ways, if we're receptive to its messages?

Later in our interview, we discuss the fine line between intuition and channeling, and how channeling can be a full-body experience offering safety, guidance, and unconditional love.

I can't wait for you all to listen to this truly magical interview!

xx Nadine & Erin

Connect with Erin:

Erin is here to shine a light through your prism, illuminating your dreams, your intuitive gifts, and the infinite possibilities within to activate your expansive potential.

As a Mentor, Intuitive, and Channel, Erin's mission is to elevate your earthly experience. She helps you create your own unique path for massive success in work, love, relationships, and, really, your whole amazing life.

She intuitively leads and supports clients to turn their vision into reality. She connects energetically and intuitively with her clients at the intersection of spirit and logic to discover, reconnect and express their gifts so they can make powerful expansive moves to create a life that feels magical.

Thank you for being here ❤️

⭐️If you are interested in working with me 1:1 APPLY HERE!

✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt an uncanny pull towards a decision that seems illogical, only to discover it was the best choice you could have ever made?

Welcome to the enchanting world of intuition and spirit guides!

In my conversation with Erin Rogers, my personal Intuitive Mentor & Channel, we navigate through the terrain our innate, intuitive wisdom and its deep ties with our personal traumas and healing.

I also (bravely! lol) share an intimate account of my connection with my Spirit Team!!

Erin and I also chat about astro-cartography, a branch of astrology that offered me insights on why I gravitated towards certain countries or cities throughout my life.

Erin shares her personal journey of , going from 15 years of working in the corporate world, to finally surrendering to her intuition and making the boldest move of her life!

Did you know that the unseen world communicates with us in myriad ways, if we're receptive to its messages?

Later in our interview, we discuss the fine line between intuition and channeling, and how channeling can be a full-body experience offering safety, guidance, and unconditional love.

I can't wait for you all to listen to this truly magical interview!

xx Nadine & Erin

Connect with Erin:

Erin is here to shine a light through your prism, illuminating your dreams, your intuitive gifts, and the infinite possibilities within to activate your expansive potential.

As a Mentor, Intuitive, and Channel, Erin's mission is to elevate your earthly experience. She helps you create your own unique path for massive success in work, love, relationships, and, really, your whole amazing life.

She intuitively leads and supports clients to turn their vision into reality. She connects energetically and intuitively with her clients at the intersection of spirit and logic to discover, reconnect and express their gifts so they can make powerful expansive moves to create a life that feels magical.

Thank you for being here ❤️

⭐️If you are interested in working with me 1:1 APPLY HERE!

✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to the Money Healing Podcast. I am your host, nadine Zalmot. I am a money coach, an intuitive guide and a spiritual money mentor, so today's episode was actually recorded in December of 2022, back before I got the clear calling to change the name of this podcast from Beyond the Fear to what it Is Now, which is the Money Healing Podcast. This episode that you're about to listen to is about accessing our inner knowing, our intuition, and even taking it a step deeper and connecting to our spiritual gifts and our spirit guides. What I have personally experienced on my healing journey and it has also been experienced by some of my clients as well was that healing can happen in layers. The first layer is shame. Underneath shame, we find the pain, and underneath the pain, we find our true self, our true gifts and our authenticity and our intuition. But your guides and your angels you access them through just being. You don't necessarily have to wait until you are quote unquote healed for them to help you and guide you, or even to co-create with you. However, sometimes our wounds can block us from fully believing in ourselves and our scarcity wounds can create a block that prevents us from accessing the parts of ourselves where we are radically self-trusting and in tune with our intuition and our inner wisdom and we all innately have that. But our wounds, our trauma, our scarcity wounds in specific, they can block us from accessing these things or in believing in ourselves.

Speaker 1:

As this episode unfolds, you will learn how I randomly connected with my own spirit team. It was more like a remembrance and a reconnection and for me this connection feels like this strong knowing in my body. So perhaps you have seen shows or maybe you know someone directly. That is a channel. Some people go in trance when they channel. For me personally, I don't go in trance. I am fully here and aware and if you are my client, you probably know that some of the messages that we get in our sessions are channeled messages. So how I connect with my channel is through a strong knowing in my body and it can sometimes feel like a nudge towards something.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I'm called to research something or get curious about something random or with a client and just blur it out a word and say does this resonate with you? And I would say 100% of the time they're like wow, yes, exactly. How did you know? And that is when I'm listening to the inner nudges of my channel, okay, and sometimes it sounds like my own voice that is telling me something that seems so wise, like too wise, to a point where I know it's not actually me and that's how my spirit guides are connecting with me. So, from my understanding, the way our spirit guides connect with us is always going to be in a way that we are comfortable with. So, as far as I know, I don't think I'm comfortable with hearing a random voice, so I think there's this like mutual understanding between myself and my team that they communicate with me through my own voice. So that's what I'm comfortable with. At least, that's what I know.

Speaker 1:

So so far, this has been my experience and this connection is not scary at all. It is actually the most fun and loving thing that I have ever experienced in my life and the weirdest thing about it about like connecting with the unseen world is how natural and simple and easy it is. With my spirit team, I have been able to navigate my deep abandonment wounds and have better flow to my, to my days just a nice natural flow. On a business side, this connection has helped me create this wildly effective blueprint which I teach in create fulfilling abundance. And if I were to explain what it feels like when I'm connected to my channel. It actually feels like I'm tapped into this infinite source of unconditional love. It is so pure and it helps me see where my clients are feeling any I would call it love deficiency.

Speaker 1:

So our relationship with money is a direct reflection of our relationship with ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So through their money wounds, I can see where and what they need to integrate so that they can feel more wholesome love like this wholesome, holistic, generous, fulfilled love towards themselves. And from that energy my clients are then able to find a balanced way to relate to money, to their self worth and to their abundance. Because when a wound happen, when a rupture happens, it fragments us. When I'm tapped into my channel and I'm aware of my clients money patterns, I can help them see what in them needs healing and we go from there. That's why my work is so potent and effective and it can help you be in the pain and discomfort that you are in when it comes to money wounds for less time, because if it takes less time, it means you're spending less time in pain and discomfort. So I pretty much offer that shortcut. So I am really excited to share this episode with you, and if you are interested in connecting with your true, authentic self through healing your money wounds and want my help and guidance, then I invite you to reach out.

Speaker 1:

So, without further ado, let's get cracking. Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Fear podcast. I am so happy that you're all here and all excited to listen to my awesome guest today, erin Rogers, who is an intuitive mentor and she was one of my mentors too, and I feel like her and I are going to be working together for this whole lifetime because she is a wealth of knowledge and she has many multifaceted, multi-aspected person and the thing that I love about her the most is that she is so, so good at balancing the logic with the magic. Sometimes you hear people that are just like bliss bunnies talking about intuition and channeling and all that stuff, and you're like, ok, can you please come down to earth? And then, on the flip side, you have people that are just too practical. Erin is the perfect balance of both of them. Welcome to Beyond the Fear, erin. So good to have you.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I'm going to have to save that soundbite for myself. Thank you for having me. What a beautiful intro and, yeah, we have had the amazing pleasure of connecting and watching your epicness grow Some of my favorite things I've experienced in life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you so much. I've grown a lot just through working with you, but we connected on a completely different. Oh my god. We connected twice on very different ways. The first time we ever connected, you answered a call out that I put on a Facebook group wanting to do market research on people who left their jobs, voluntarily, left their 9 to 5s during the pandemic.

Speaker 1:

Remember, yeah, yeah yeah, that's right yeah let's go back to that Tell us about your journey, tell us about what you do Before. That actually something I ask all my guests before we begin what turns you on in life? And then proceed to tell us about your journey.

Speaker 2:

You know why this is such a great question is it's been a bit of a remembering for me, and for me most recently it is freedom, but not in the massive sense. It's freedom to let myself ride my bike to the beach versus having to rush to get there. It turns me on that I can just like I started sharing with people that I just intuitively wander where I'll just leave my house and I'll have three hours and I love walking. That's probably the asterisk, that's important, and it's like having the conversation with the person next to you at the cafe. That ends up being amazing. It's like those moments where I'm not trying or planning, where I'm literally being, has been my most recent remembering of that turn on. I'm like, wasn't that so great? It just happened, it was just being. That would let that life. Remembering that we're here to actually live has been some of my favorite parts recently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that sounds so yummy. I love that. I love time, luxury and space, luxury space with our schedule as well, just like having the luxury of having long stretches of time, of doing whatever the fuck we want to do. It's hot, oh good.

Speaker 2:

OK, I'm so glad we swear here. Yes, yeah, I fucking love that. That's my favorite.

Speaker 1:

So tell us about your journey, because you started off, I think, at a very traditional job or quite traditional, but wow, where you are now is awesome, it's great. And tell us a little bit about that.

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah, thank you. You know I lived in the box but everyone thought I should do life where I started working at 15, and I made money and I did a bit of travel but got into the corporate world at 23 because I thought I should and I was like, well, I'll just figure it out. Right, I'll be like I'll figure it out, I'll get in, and that ended up being what I thought would be like a year of me figuring it out, and then traveling was a 15 year career.

Speaker 1:

And shit.

Speaker 2:

It was hard and great, but yeah. So I was 15 years in HR and recruitment for all sizes of organizations and kind of went from being an individual contributor up to when I left which actually is part of the spiritual journey, I would say where I was leading a team of 14, hiring for 2 thirds of a global company. I was flying to London every eight, 10 weeks. Like on paper I was where it was at, you know, like I was destined to go on this trajectory. But the reason the last half of my career and to the last three years even got really good was because I actually stepped into the spirituality in a deeper way.

Speaker 2:

So I was doing all those things and, as I say, my life looked good on paper. I had owned a few different apartments, I had great friends, I had great job, I had great job trajectory and then this really beautiful gift that felt deeply inconvenient came through. Deeply inconvenient, but I think for some people it's like a path that they're dying to get onto or they really feel connected to it. For me, I was just trying to figure out why I felt like such a misfit everywhere. I was like if I probably just fix myself.

Speaker 2:

So in some ways I'm the least likely candidate to be here, and also maybe that's what helps me be so good at it, because I'm like, how did I get here? But also I took the leap because I described it as I felt like a fish who been trying to fly the whole life, and when someone finally put me back in water aka myself I was like, oh, this is how easeful life could be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like I'm reading the words on your forehead as you speak. It's weird, like yeah, I knew that you were going to say easeful. Yeah, because that's how I felt as well when I stepped into it, like this is too easy, but that's how it's supposed to be, yeah, so what was the nudge?

Speaker 2:

You know, there had been a series of pretty wild intuitive psychic things that had happened. But given that I had a really like religious background, I just kind of I kind of could explain it away or I'd be like sure, people are like that. But you know, part of my family stuff is that maybe those people that are experiencing that maybe aren't as mentally sound as others. So I had a lot of personal stigma that I was like unwilling to accept it and and. But I got really unwell for the umpteenth time and I had had a doctor who had, obviously the doctor I chose in the city I lived in became a spiritual coach. Of course that happened, of course Gave up being a doctor and I was like, oh, that woman, yeah, I'm going to go see her because she probably knows that it's the combo of the two. Right, like I still didn't really get it.

Speaker 2:

Sat down was going to explain her my physical symptoms, and she literally tells me to do a meditation and all of a sudden my whole body almost kind of like I can't move it my crown chakra opens up. My whole body feels like I can just feel the color yellow and I'm like I don't know what's happening. What is this? And within 15 minutes I was like whatever, that is something I'm supposed to be doing, and not in that session. But shortly after I was like so, but not everyone has kind voices and directive voices and you know information they're getting. And she's like no, that's not your inner voice, that was your guides. And I was like, oh shit. And so it actually was just the slight shift in perspective that I'd always been receiving it.

Speaker 2:

And then I had. I had like a. I'd say it was like going down a slide. The next 12 months was wild after that. But it was really someone telling me like hey, the way that you're receiving actually is intuition or being psychic, or being a channel. And I was like, oh, and then, once I actually chose to trust it, my whole life changed in the best way. I was highly resistant, but in the best way. Everything I did say yes to became yeah, right, so easy. So that's what I think. I have a sexier story, but that's the actual, like. What I remember is the thing that changed me, is the thing that changed everything.

Speaker 1:

So we reconnected. So on that marketing research call that we did two years ago or two and a half years ago, you had told me that you also are doing astro-cartography and that's why I kept you in my message bank. I said I am someone that you would say intuitively wonders. I intuitively immigrate so I intuitively move.

Speaker 1:

So sometimes I'm just told that I have to be in a certain country, whether it's for long term or short term, and I cannot ignore my intuition, because she's loud and if she's ignored she's going to kick and scream, and she's always right, so it's great. So what is astro-cartography? Because that particular session blew my mind, but it changed my life. Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

We love that. So astro-cartography is the astrology of place. The way I like to describe it is the planets, moon and stars are included. We're in a certain configuration in the sky when you were born and you can basically take that configuration and overlay it on a world map and that world map that's unique to you will show you the places on the world where you can experience those energies, and it's unique to everybody and it has the different sort of angles.

Speaker 2:

So there's always four sides to each of the planets, and what I really loved about it was that and human design for me personally, where they created a possibility, where I saw that some of the ways I was wasn't to be fixed but to be embraced. And then I'm someone who also has lived all over the world and I was like, oh, and I keep going to places that have really significant energy for me Probably not a coincidence and I loved the tool because the tool got me to, got me started. It was easier to use a tool than to admit my other skills, which is all good. And, yeah, I love your other skill more.

Speaker 2:

But it was a really great place to grow and end up coming back to me even more, but it was I love it and I love the people I met because I'd have such fun conversations about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, as someone that has moved all over the place and lived all over the place, it was nice to see some logic behind of why I was gravitating towards certain continents or countries or cities even. But then you told me something on that call and I wonder how common it is to tell people that they are also channels on such calls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. That was kind of why I eventually had to retire it, because I was like we can talk about this and I think it's super fun and cool, but what if I could also just tell you like really important things about yourself to transform who you are, how you're expressing and how you're moving through the world? And some people were like nah, and I was like, oh yeah, no, no, I don't know how I wrote that and so I had to honor for me what my sacral was saying, which was that that no longer lit me up in the same way, and it was always a bit of a risk right To like what I told you. I remember being like I'm going to tell you this and we're just going to see what happens, and it was like transformational. But like it was, it was a pretty wild session, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it was a wild session. I watched it several times, the recording as, but I remember after that session, so let's just you know. So I connected with Aaron to understand why do I keep going to certain places, and Aaron basically told me that I have been channeling forever. And it didn't come as a shock for me, because I do remember as a child getting you know these intuitive voices and having an imaginary friend, and then drawing certain figures and it all just came into place. It just fell into place, but I had to take myself to bed for like four hours to digest that session because I was like, oh my God, everything is making sense now.

Speaker 1:

And I remember, like, like my whole body, I felt like I had goosebumps the whole like for hours because I finally understood what is going on. And so tell us, what is channeling? What does it mean to be a channel? Yes, this is so funny.

Speaker 2:

So one. I think the thing that stood out for me about that session was that I said what color I saw them and you then said, yes, I did that color. And you had photos of pictures you had drawn as a younger child, which I was like, okay, yes, we love confirmation. You know what I personally believe channeling is. I believe it's a translation of information and it's not as foreign as I feel like it can sometimes feel depending on the platform, which is partly why I'm talking about it more. It's part of my 2023 plans.

Speaker 2:

We'll see how it comes through, but I'll ask you what you think channeling is, but for me, it's really like if everything's a vibration, then channeling is the translation of that vibration through the way that your body understands and receives it, and then you are the gift to give words to it so that we may all experience the vibration. If perhaps our body doesn't have the original signature to say, receive the messages from, like, where you receive messages or where I receive messages, but I can still receive the wisdom, and so for me, it's not just quote, unquote Aliens, and for me, it's different than intuition being psychic that those things all feel very obvious and how I look at or see energy, because I had the experience where I Channeled the color orange and I didn't really fully understand, like I've had information come from places like planets.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know if I feel like I've had, necessarily I mean spirits saying yes, I have, but not the same way I feel like you you have In terms of whatever the word alien might mean. How do you describe channeling or how would you put words to it?

Speaker 1:

Okay. So for me, definitely, there's a distinction between when my intuition is speaking or when I'm channeling. So channeling for me is being open to receive a transmission of energy, and what happens with me, or how I visualize it, is I get that load of energy from the source, from my guides, and then I quote-unquote, digest it or translate it. So what happens is that I also mix it with my own energetic imprint, my own essence, my own experience and perspective, and that's what gets Emitted to. Whether I'm in a session with a client because that's been very, very strong these days when I'm In coaching session with clients, messages come through and I'm quite open about where the messages are coming from.

Speaker 1:

When I'm creating content, when I'm writing, when I'm Creating stuff for the podcast, I go in with that intention. Every morning I wake up with the intention of like, let's, let's have a fun day together, guys. Like, like, let's have fun. But I go in with the intention of, okay, we need to. Or I get told, listen, we need to talk about this. And I'm like, okay, I'm carve out, some time We'll have a chat. And yeah, that's what channeling is for me. I mean, I'm very new to it, but that is what has been coming through. It's like this translation of energy really, with putting my essence in. I'm just like not Repeating stuff that I'm given. It's I'm very important and a very important ingredient and part of the equation.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you don't step out of the way your as you're part of the information funnel that comes.

Speaker 1:

I do step out of the way. Okay, definitely step out of the way, but I like there's the perception and the reception and then the Giving out of the information. Yeah, so I do step out of the way so that I can get the full message, but then for me to give the message to whoever needs to hear it, whether it's a public audience or a certain person. I Make it more relevant, okay cool.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, I've experienced both when it's just flowing through me and this feels like I'm standing next to the information and I'm like, oh Interesting, oh, what are you saying? And then sometimes I'll notice the channel references me and then sometimes I do it that way. I'm assuming you do it both and then you just choose how you want to disseminate it out to people.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, if I'm doing one-on-one like the first time I ever channeled for someone, it was for my husband I was completely aside. When I do it for my coaching clients, I'm completely aside. But when I'm channeling a message to be transmitted online or on my podcast, I definitely kind of I don't want to say stuff in it, but kind of make it more Relatable so that I don't lose people because the the message is important for them to hear it I love, that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally, okay, beautiful. Yeah, that's so fun, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

How, how do you, how would you describe being Open to receive the messages or, as you would say, like putting our human side aside, like stepping aside as a human to receive these messages? What would you say?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's interesting. I think for me, the number one thing I've noticed from Intuition, mediumship or being psychic, versus a channel, the channeling my body. It's. It's my body that actually needs the time.

Speaker 2:

And so, like when I first did it for a friend and I didn't know anything, I happened to be in a body of water which I feel like help. We were like at a lake and she was like asked me a question and I was like, oh well, I'm just seeing it's this. And she's like what do you mean? You're seeing it. I'm like, well, you know like the ticker tape in your mind, and she's like there's no ticker tape and I'm like that are giving you all the answers. She's like no, I was like, oh, okay, and so in the body of water I feel like I went through sort of like Channeling and psychic information, but then I became exhausted and I was kind of like what is this? And Same again.

Speaker 2:

I would do it for a friend. I actually like fell asleep one time Channeling where I was like talking all. So I just started whispering and she's like that's really fucking creepy, don't do that. I go okay, sorry, I, I'm new, I don't know. And so the channeling to me is that you have you. There is time and practice needed, because your actual physical body needs to Calibrate to these really high, beautiful, loving vibrations, or that's been my experience. I should say yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and what I've seen in other people, and so for me, music is the easiest way for me to start to feel like I'm channeling and I'm living where I'm living now. There people do a lot of like singing circles, and I noticed humming. Specifically humming will start to get my channel going. So sometimes I can't hum in public because there's a I don't know. I'd love to hear your physical symptoms, but my physical symptoms is like it literally feels like my mind is opening and my eyes and my third eye start to look up and almost like Feel like they're rolling back in my head a little bit and I'm like, oh I, something is there and I'm about to start going. So For me I'm very clear audience and so, wow, I can't wait to say that I'm very clear audience and I've known that about you because I know more Clear, sentient, and the other one buoyant.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm not as clear audience as you are, but the other ones, like I see images and then I have the knowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that, and so I guess I like to just clarify, because it's like it could happen in a different ways, different people, but some music is really a big gateway for me with everything, and so it physically feels that way and you'll, I feel physically like almost Elated, like you're almost just like, oh my god, I feel wrapped in love. And then what I wouldn't, when it ends and if you haven't been practicing which sometimes I've not doing it Often you're exhausted, I, and that's been really an interesting experience to be like, oh okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm tired. Yeah, for me. You know I'm new, so I've been playing with it and just experimenting and usually it's just I feel a warmth around my heart center and then an opening in my sacral. It used to be more of a head thing and then it just I kind of spread it across my body just to kind of get a bigger message. And I think that's something you told me to do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like oh, I heard that. Yeah, you told me to do that.

Speaker 1:

So it's more of a full body experience and, like I said, I receive messages in and knowing and images as well. So I go places, I see things and I come back and report pretty much. And I had a funny experience not long ago. We were at a concert and I was like what will happen if I were to just open my channel here now in the concert? Yeah, oh, wow, I started hearing the music on a completely different level. Oh, my gosh, it was like what people would do when they enhance their experience using just plant medicine or whatever. Yeah, that's where I went for a while.

Speaker 1:

It was epic, it was so much fun and I don't know how to explain it. Like I saw the whole, I saw the creative process that went into the music, I saw the words differently and I gotta say it wasn't just a normal concert, like the person that was performing was very obviously on a different level, because the music that was coming through was just felt really different to me. Yeah, and I was like I think he's a shaman. He looked like one and I can't remember his name off the top of my head, but anyway, it was a different experience.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, how was it being in public, being in that state? Because I feel like that's something that people will be like oh, how was it for you in that environment, in that state?

Speaker 1:

I felt very safe. I felt the safest I've ever been, and that's something that's been really cool for me is that this year, hand in hand with like opening to channel, I've been working well this year. This is 2000 and what is this? 22? Now we're in 22.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So this probably will come out next year.

Speaker 1:

But I've also been healing lots of abandonment wounds from my childhood and all of that and I feel like opening myself to my spirit family and having that guidance was immensely helpful on my healing journey because, as somebody who has abandonment wounding, it just was so reassuring to know or to experience unconditional love and safety that comes from the inside, rather than knowing that I'm not on my own, even though I've had you. I've had multiple coaches and mentors on my journey, but that kind of support was the most healing because it's with you all the time and it's like the family that I knew I belonged to forever and I was craving to be around. So I love my physical family. They're cool, but you know that guidance is awesome. I mean we co-create together, we kick ass, it's fun. And the other thing is that people also feel their energy. They feel the energy of my spirit guides when, even when, if they're online, they can feel that love, that warmth. It feels like warm caramel. That's just like running through my body. It's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, wow, I love that description Warm caramel and other people feel it too, okay, yeah, do you find that if people are in your presence when you're channeling, they almost feel like they're also receiving either from your guides or their guides?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's also that permission slip, right. Yeah, like, oh, she's a logical person and she's doing that. What about me? Maybe I have that, like that's in their language, in their heads, going like, maybe I have that too. And you know, I always say you can always start by channeling your higher self, because they're all connected, they're all a gang, they're all a spirit gang. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

So it doesn't have to be just. You know something that the unseen world has a lot more to do with our seen world, that we would like to admit Correct. And the people that listen to this podcast, people that listen from your end, my end, they are people that understand this lingo. I mean, ever since I started doing this, I have attracted channels as well as clients. It's amazing, it's crazy. Oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's so great, yeah it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

It's really, really crazy because had they come to me last year, I'll be like I don't know what you're talking about. I kind of do a bit jealous.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. So I just remember and I'm sure this is what your clients feel the relief on your face when I offered that this could be happening and it was someone outside of yourself, because I was like this is what I'm getting. And you were like, thank God, because it is a remembering and it is that permission slip that like it's not, it doesn't matter if it is, but it's just nice to be like. I didn't just create this to escape. This is actually part of who I am.

Speaker 2:

That's a very good point and my expression feels honored by being seen by another in my. You know my expansiveness of these, of these energies I choose to chat with and then watching you transform in life by having that connection was unbelievable and I think that's why it's really cool for people, because I think, on the simplest level, even if it's the higher self or you know the types of guides that you channel it's love. The universe is made of love and that's why you can access it is because, ultimately, it's a chance to sit in love and receive information from that place that's so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And just to be clear, I don't teach people to channel. I just somehow attract people who channel, who want to heal their money wounds. So it's nice to be for them, that I understand what's going through with them. So question for you is when? How does someone know? Let's say somebody is listening in the audience and they're kind of you know, intrigued, curious. How do we know if we are ready to channel? Let's say, how do they know if they're ready to channel? And yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I I'm trying to listen and talk at the same time to see if the something comes through. But one of the things I've been really noticing as I've expanded and I would say all of my clients now, whether expressed or unexpressed, are highly intuitive, highly psychic and most likely channels in a portion of their life. And it's not scary because it's just another way of receiving information and it actually gives your mind a break. I would say that something I'm really noticing and becoming present to is this ability to have trust.

Speaker 2:

So I think a lot of us and this is a whole nother conversation, but a society on a whole has benefited from us not trusting ourselves, and so sometimes there is a path where we have to choose that trust and rebuild it, because it doesn't need to be a certain amount of trust depending on who you are to actually allow yourself to believe long enough and hold the the moment with the channel, that you don't just freak out or create a judgment about yourself that this may or may not be happening, and I think they're self-trust. I think if you want to be healthy and what healthy means to me is that nothing else is going to be interfering is you need to be embodied or on a path of embodiment. And something I'm noticing there is it because, again, there's a path of perhaps not loving our bodies from society at large and a whole downward system. It again actually keeps us from our channel and our intuition. So I'm noticing a lot of things where I'm like the system's kind of bullshit and it's really fucking keeping at least the women that I work with and the men I work with, to be honest, out of their bodies.

Speaker 2:

Looking for the answers externally versus somehow. I will say that this is the most internal way to receive answers, along with intuition, because the trust is so deep. You actually aren't like jetting out or disembodied or like literally trying to seek. You're so inward and connected to yourself that the information can flow through so that you can receive it. I mean, that doesn't feel obvious to some people, but it does to me, and so I think, given the choice to believe or not believe, will you believe? Given the choice to trust yourself or judgment, will you trust yourself? Given the chance to be in your body or get the fuck out of it, will you be in your body? So those are some of the things, and it's not about being perfect in them, but could you consider those possibilities long enough? Let yourself sit there and receive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, to be completely honest, I don't think I would have what's the word expanded or evolved as quickly as I have had it not been for our monthly sessions, like working closely with you this year oh gosh, immense difference. I do have. I've had bouts of like oh my God, what am I doing? Is this real? How do I okay? So like, okay, this is a good question, like a lot of people you hear now online, I downloaded this idea, or this idea came to me. So how do you know if this is an idea that you created or an idea that you channeled? What is the difference For me? I feel it in my body, but what about? I'd love your take.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I think, on like a simple level, for those that are clear, cognizant, I often find that they figure out clear, knowing the clear of the mind and intuition of the mind. Is your mind feeling like a spinning disc that's frantically looking for the answer that will say things like that makes sense, that's logical, or do you just receive it and you go? Huh, I don't know where that came from or what that like I don't know, or that doesn't make sense, but I can receive it. So there's a feeling of sort of that fear that, like I would say that uptick to nervous system versus calm dropped into your body is the difference generally between thinking thoughts and more intuitive thoughts.

Speaker 2:

And so when we go up into, is it my idea or their idea? It's the same kind of thing. Did you have to like logic it out and figure it and piece it together and is it more of a witnessing or did you receive it and it was like you were, like I don't know where this all came from. It's like when you drive to a place and you forget how you got there, kind of feeling. And so I can feel it when I hear other people, or I believe I can feel it where I can go like there's. That's a lot of bullshit. They like that idea or they like the way that sounds.

Speaker 1:

The mysticism of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And then sometimes I think partly what got me into this work was when I could tell that people were talking and there was 3% truth and 95% bullshit, or 97% bullshit, and I got really mad. Actually is one of the reasons why I even attempted going online. I'm like, but why the fuck is she saying that that's not true? And it was like, oh okay, well, maybe I should then not have any opinion of that person farther than I need to. Why don't I get on and share my own version of that? So that's how I'm glad you did, thank you. So that's how it occurs. But honestly, how does truth feel in your body? For those listening and if you don't know, maybe that's a really great place to start and then build from.

Speaker 1:

For me, truth feels like something I already knew. And the channeled messages that come from me, their beauty is in their simplicity, in the simplicity of their delivery, because for me, my brain will just over complicate things and, like just my woundedness, might come in the way. It's a channeled message. It just feels so simple and pure and clean and that's exactly what you said, that vibration of love, because ultimately it's all about that transmission. You know, it's just love in different forms.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, yeah, I love that it is nice, though, to just even to discover what truth feels like to you. It will make a lot of this journey easier, because it can get confusing. We definitely can have people that walk with you, because I think we can do everything we need. We have everything we need within ourselves. We don't have to hire, but it's nice to have people that walk with you that are a step ahead, or they can just be like yeah, it's real, that really happened. Why don't we choose to believe?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, like I said earlier, working with you was so important then and I remember sharing our session with my mom and my mom's like, oh my God, finally someone is telling you the truth, because I've known this about you the whole time. Like, really, she goes. Yes, I've been telling you this for like 40 years. Oh, I love your mom, she goes, you're going to continue working with her. I said, yeah, she goes, you are forced to by your mother. Okay, there we go. So that was epic. I also was led to get a book called Opening to Channel. That's one of my favorite books. I keep reading it and reading it. I will link it in the show notes. So how can people find you and work with you, erin, amazing.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. How fun is this? I can't wait. I'm like, oh yeah, channeling is so fun you can find me on. Instagram and you're going to notice a theme here. Instagram I use at erinrogersio on TikTok, which is part of my 2023. We're going to put it on my list. I know it's talking.

Speaker 2:

You're going to practice, but you're not at the lineal, I know, I know, but listen, we'd be three lining it from human design. So we try things on and then we'll see how they go, if you're inclined. Also erinrogersio. My website is erinrogersio because we keep it consistent and I have a new website that will be out by the time this podcast comes out. So yeah, come and find me in those spaces. Those are where I'm hanging out, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, as someone that has experienced your magic, I highly recommend people work with you or just book a session with you or read the book or channeling is going to change your life and it's not in a like. It's not going to all of a sudden make you a millionaire, but man, it's going to just everything is going to feel so much better.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I love that. Well, thank you so much. This was so fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you, erin, and see you later. Thanks everyone for listening, bye, bye.

Accessing Intuition and Spirit Guides
From Traditional Job to Spiritual Awakening
Understanding Channeling and Receiving Messages
Receiving Messages Through Channeling Experience
Recommendations for Life-Changing Magic